Kane Part 2 | Intro To Marker Training

In this lesson, Natalie begins the process of marker training with Kane. She discusses how you can use your dogs standard kibble to build motivation and create drive.

#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogadvice #dogtrainingadvice #puppytraining #germanshepherd #markertraining

8 Comments on “Kane Part 2 | Intro To Marker Training”

  1. Hi Natalie. Your videos are helping me prepare to train my pup so much, thank you! Quick question: how do you know when the marker is charged enough? Is that even such a thing?

  2. Oh!!! So I’ve been doing my pup’s training session and any food left over, I put in his bowl to eat afterwards. I need to stop that and use the rest for the next training session or give more food rewards during the trainings. Thank you for the pearls.

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