The Secret to Teaching Your Dog COME and STAY

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54 Comments on “The Secret to Teaching Your Dog COME and STAY”

    1. I will give you some great ideas, tricks, and instruction that may help you turn your puppy into the best behaved, most happy, jogging, bouncing, slipper-fetching best pal you always wanted?. Watch here >

  1. Hey Zak, I just thought I’d let you know that I love the format of your past two videos. They’re always informative, but I think breaking it down step by step makes it much easier for people to learn (and based on the topic of this video, dogs to learn too!)

    1. BE around people, with leash (and muzzle if necessary). The most critical thing is that YOU ARE CALM and totally NON REACTIVE like being around people is so normal it is boring. Your dog is incredibly sensitive to your bodylanguage, heartbeat, stress smells. He knows you better than you know you. If you are worried that your dog will misbehave or get weirded out and truly embarrass you in front of your friends HE WILL KNOW something is wrong. He won’t know what to do because he wants to please you so badly he’ll try too hard…

      So you have to BE A SUPREME ACTOR otherwise he will absolutely read the environment as NEW and unknowns and his normal doggy behavior will kick in when ever confronted with anything new. Dogs love routine. Predictability. Make circumstances you want your dog to understand as part of THE routine happen over and over again. Dogs learn more from stuff we do routinely than from choreographed training lessons. Important to have training become ROUTINE same time of day, same environment, same length of time unless the dog is tired, or sick. Then the training both the training sessions and the daily routine of YOUR life start taking off. Each lesson relates to the next lesson. So each subsequent DAY the learning gets faster and more embeded.

      Start with one person…does he wig out with one stranger? What is his comfort level now with people? What were his first experiences with people like? What is your home and life routine? How long are you separated daily? What are the skills he consistently does well? The skills that have been difficult? How much exercise does he get daily?

      And one more thing. Make sure he is well exercised before meeting friends..people. Tell you friends to NOT EVEN LOOK AT HIM. No touching, no engaging. Act as if he is invisible! If he lies down and is very relaxed a quiet stroke and calm voice of praise is great. Do this before working up to strangers on the street or starbucks! Your part is to act as if being around people is the more normal boring thing in the world…repeated for emphasis!

  2. I have a Japanese Spitz puppy, we’ve had her for two weeks now and she’s ten weeks old. I am so amazed at how incredibly intelligent she is and how easily she picks up new concepts, it’s really motivating for both her and me. In the two weeks we’ve had her we’ve made real progress on a lot of training, both obedience and fun tricks. So far we’ve started working on ‘Look At Me’, ‘Sit’, ‘Down’, ‘Up’, ‘Leave It’, ‘Let Go’, ‘Paw’, ‘High Five’ and ‘Roll Over’ (she’s so good at Roll Over I cannot believe it!) And, of course, we’ve been potty training and crate training her, too! I cannot tell you how much watching your videos has helped and encouraged me, I’m so glad to have found a trainer who focuses so much on the bond between you and your dog. My least favourite thing about training her is when I push her too far without realising and she get’s frustrated and stops enjoying training; I want it to be fun for both of us! But I’m working on this and each training session has less frustrated episodes in and we’re making real progress. Thanks again for all of the videos, keep it up!

  3. Hey Zak, I love your videos! My brother is adopting a rescue dog soon, and these videos have been a great way to get ideas on how to train our future family member!

    I wanted to add; a lot of people are complaining about the paid product promotions. I want to congratulate you on that; it’s good to see a fellow content creator getting paid to do the thing he loves! It’s a sign that you’ve really made it! 

    If anyone wants to complain about the product promotions; content creators have to get paid too. No-one really wants to be a “starving artist”. Zak is giving you amazing material for FREE. You haven’t paid him a dime, so stop complaining about the fact that he is using YouTube to give you all quality information, and gets paid for doing so. I think that is fantastic!

    Great work Zak, can’t wait to see even more videos!

  4. Dude, keep rocking these videos. They’re unbelievably helpful. The video production and your delivery get better every time! I wish you continued success! – Elijah – Musician and new father to a 9 week old golden doodle.

  5. My dog is a much older dog, at least 6-7 yrs old. She is very big and very healthy, but is still very excitable about everything as if like a puppy. My biggest concern is she wont stay when asked to stay and I would like to teach her to calm down a bit. She does not bite or anything aggressive towards people, she is very friendly.

    1. i really miss my chows but they were old and had to be put down. 🙁 Chow have the most wonderful personalities.Very protective and loving to their owners. One time someone tried to get in my side oak door.when I wasnt home. I found my door half chewed off at the bottom. They of course did not get in Ha Ha Ha. They are a powerful breed thats for sure
      Diane Cender

    1. @Daisy Games คดเเเอะดรุธยใผยชบบสวหมายความชยสัยัตย


    2. I really enjoy how to train your dog and the great ideas of what to. Not to long ago got us rescure dog year’s old. He’s smart training us very well.

  6. I have a Chow Chow named Indy. He is four years old and I have been looking for a Chow Chow video from you! Thank you so much this worked great!🐻🐻🐻🐻

  7. The problem I have with my dog is he knows his name but he only comes at certain times. When he doesn’t want to listen to you he doesn’t come

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