11 Comments on “This is the Story of Introducing Our CRAZY PUPPY to Our CAT #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogtrainer”

    1. Easiest way to introduce any pet is put the new pet in a crate or a bedroom and let them smell each other in the same space over a couple of days. Maybe I’ve just been lucky but I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and they came into the house a yr apart of each other. One dog is 130lbs and they all hang out and sleep together and play together

  1. That pup has no aggression at all, just wants to play with the cat, my dogs chase the cats and the cats actually stalk and chase the dogs, unless you don’t want them to play that’s a different thing, pups tail is wagging and as long as you hear the sneezing and snorting it’s just play

  2. My younger pup (she’ll be two at the end of September) loves cats perhaps a bit too much- she thinks cats are trying to play with her when they smack her in the face. Luckily my cat is merciful and doesn’t give her the claws!!

  3. I’m on month 2 of working on this with our foster fail puppers. When she gets to playing it gets pretty serious at only 4mo olds and boooy does she love running over or trying to drag our cats (who LOVE dogs) A sharp “leave it” stops ALL unwanted behavior but trying to stop it escalating altogether so definitely gonna try this out! Thank you!!

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