When I lose my cool in dog training. #dogtrainer #dogtraining #germanshepherd #reactivedog #dogs

This is my foster dog, Moira the German Shepherd Dog! We made SO MUCH progress on her training over the 3 weeks she was with me, and we documented it all for you in detail: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMssKIjsDxXloC9yXGfTrFSqdYMmx2jEO

Watch her playlist at the link above to see how she learned to stop overreacting like this, and so much more!

22 Comments on “When I lose my cool in dog training. #dogtrainer #dogtraining #germanshepherd #reactivedog #dogs”

    1. I adopted my 2+ yr old Boston Terrier 6 mo ago after his first Mama passed totally unexpectedly and Bruno was surrendered back to the Rescue my Sister works with. He came to me knowing ZERO obedience other than “Sit” and totally clueless how to walk on a leash. We’ve come a long way already on many commands…He has been a ROCK STAR on most.

      Down and Down/Stay are our Nemesis tho. Both of which are big for CGC testing and eventually Psych Service Dog Training down the road.

    2. I find myself most impatient when people just walk up and don’t understand cues. I say to give space/ my dog is upset and lunging toward them. But they continue to come closer to us. 😭

  1. I’m fostering a dog right now and when I got her she was on guard all the time thinking she had to protect herself. She wasn’t outright aggressive with people but she was basically shut down and wouldn’t interact with anyone except me. Yesterday I took her to meet a friend of mine and she was happy and excited and wanted to engage with my friend and it made me so happy to see her start trusting and realize she doesn’t have to always be on guard and ready for something bad to happen. Some days I want to cry in frustration but moments like that remind me I’m building a bond and she is becoming a happier more relaxed dog

  2. My dog, a 12 week old Vizsla, has mastered waiting at the front door until I give her the release word to go out. Haven’t tried other doors yet but we will!

  3. My dog was a rescue who was really reactive and fearful towards other dogs. I couldn’t take him out in public anywhere there might be other dogs at all. I introduced him to my neighbors dogs and he slowly became a little more sociable. Then, whenever he was with me on a road trip, I would stop at places like PetCo, where he could smell other dogs, but I could put a shelf in between us and the other dog if he became overwhelmed in addition to socializing him with other kinds of animals. Now he can go to the dog park for short amounts of time with several other dogs!

  4. My border collie was very reactive to one TV in the house being turned on and off. Jumping barking, fortunately for only 5 or 10 seconds. It was frustrating because it wasn’t what the TV was playing she was triggered by the transition of on to off or off to on even with the audio muted. Bedroom TV so I started to train/reward when she was calm sitting outside the bedroom door with it closed, moved on to bedroom door open. Progressed to reward being calm while sitting next to me in the room. Now she isn’t reactive to it at all but she still remembers getting the treat! Which I indulge her often with.

  5. I think that impatience (and frustration) can be a “part” of dog training. Sometimes your dog just doesn’t seem to “get it” and you can’t figure out a way to break the behavior down into smaller steps. So I get more impatient and frustrated with myself, rather than the dog!! Recently, we’ve had a real “breakthrough” with my little boy. I have been trying to teach him “bang” (lay down and roll over you your back with legs up in the air), and he just wasn’t “getting it”. Then yesterday, he “got it”! It was beautiful!! Needless to say, he got a jackpot!!

  6. Oml…. Lucy, my Gsd rescue and I have been watching you for a few years. We also adopted Ollie- another Gsd rescue who struggles with car reactivity. They both go to private training once a week and I really try to be mindful of time on task and have been working with him since August. I track his reactivity to cars- my homework! Two days ago was the first time he ever sat and ate treats as a car went by without distance, and he did not bark. we all celebrated with more treats. 😅

  7. So you’re saying it’s not a good training practice to block myself off in the kitchen, sit on the floor with my knees tucked up to my chest, and cry? 😂

  8. I’ve had my dog Cosmo (9 y/o mixed breed) for almost three years now, and he was TERRIFIED of anything new, reactive to humans and dogs, and had a bite history when I got him. Last August, he earned his Canine Good Citizen certificate, and last week, the trainer who evaluated him for the CGC asked me to bring him to an orientation session for one of her reactive dog classes to demonstrate skills and show her clients how far it’s possible to come with a reactive dog. We still have our struggles, and Cosmo will always be a sensitive dog, but I’m so proud of him for what we’ve accomplished so far!

  9. It may not look like it for unknowledged people since she was a bit hyper and untrained but this particular German Shepherd was very mild tempered and actually super easy to train. Good for you she was was no high drive raptor GSD which turns on their owner when the brain gets over stimulated (not aggression, just redirection of feelings they can’t handle and which is normal for young GSD who don’t know boundaries and respect yet) but really sad that you try to sell it to people as if she was difficult. She doesn’t deserve it. Maybe difficult for you but she is an easy dog.

    1. Really, even when he’s showing how in a few weeks he changed a dog that lunges and bites everything that passes by into a social dog that can be adopted, you still criticise.

  10. My vizsla Ivy actually waited on command outside of daycare this week for the first time. Granted she hasn’t done it since, but hey I’ll take it.

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