The Nipping, Biting And Chewing Puppy Training Plan

Nipping, biting, and chewing are some of the most common unwanted behaviours new puppy owners have in their dogs. You are not alone! Today we break down the perfect puppy training plan to stop nipping, biting, and chewing FAST!

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00:00 – The Nipping Biting and Chewing Puppy Training Plan
00:49 – Is Your Puppy Nipping Biting And Chewing? TRY THIS!
02:15 – The CHEAPEST Tool To Prevent Puppy Nipping Biting And Chewing
04:27 – Teaching Your Puppy To "Leave It"
08:00 – This Technique Will Transform Your Dogs Nipping Biting And Chewing And Calm Them Down
09:54 – THIS Is The EASIEST Way To Fix Your Puppy Nipping, Biting And Chewing

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

17 Comments on “The Nipping, Biting And Chewing Puppy Training Plan”

  1. It would be helpful for you to share videos where you are working with larger dogs. Some of the methods you use are much, much harder (if not impossible) with a big dog like my 1 year old, 60lb golden retriever.

    1. I agree more videos w larger puppies. My puppy is 5 1/2 months old but not a Toy dog size. Your teaching holds and leash lessons do not work. Pant leg w leash no way is an example.

  2. Hi McCann dogs I have a four month old cockapoo puppy named Link . We have noticed that he is very much a biter. We have watched your videos on how to stop puppy biting , unfortunately they have not shown any significant results. We are hoping that you can provide us with some tips. P.S he is teething

  3. I adopted my puppy at 16 weeks, and she was fostered with lots of dogs (and litter mates) that loved to nip eachother when playing. It’s been a struggle to reduce that playful nipping, because it was encouraged for quite a bit longer than we would have liked. The hold or ‘ah-ah’ scold have worked a bit, but also just straight to the crate just to calm her. They key has been to stay really really calm or else a hightened reaction encouraged her misbehavior.

  4. My mini schnauzer is 9 months old. He was a real biter (much more than nipping) when he was younger. He stopped for about a month, now he is biting again. He has all his adult teeth now, so it’s not quite as painful, but he bites hard. I walk away and turn my back, or go in another room, or put him in his crate. None of these seem to work. He only bites me, so I must have inadvertently taught him to do this. He has tons of toys to bite, but distracting him works only sometimes.

    1. People don’t like it, but I corrected my dogs with a firm tone and pushed them away with enough zest that my intention was clear. They never mouthed me again for their own sport. I now play tug with the youngest one using everyday items like paper and other things he brings to me.

  5. My puppy bites our two year old dog as they “play”. It’s more like a bite and violently yank the two year old cheeks. Should I prevent this from happening? And how?

  6. Mine only seems to lick then chew them rip on things when we leave or don’t wake up when he wants us to. It’s a gradual act that escalates but only when there’s a shoe or clothing item around. He doesn’t chew on everything- it’s very intentional and strategic. 😅

    1. If you’re not there to actively train, then your only option is to manage. If your dog is chewing things, he hasn’t earned his freedom in the house while you’re gone. In your absence, the dog should be contained somehow where he can only make good choices. For most people this is a crate. For my tiny 10lb dog, she has a 2’x3′ exercise pen. For your big Shepard mix it may be a room that’s been seriously puppy proofed. He should only be able to have the option to chew on appropriate things like toys and chews within this space. Eventually he may be able to handle full freedom, but it doesn’t sound like he’s there quite yet.

    2. He’s chewing Your property to get Your attention 🙂 Try leaving him in crate with a few old Tshirts for comfort when you leave the house. As for shoes, train him to fetch them for you. reward highly so that whenever he picks one up he brings it to you for a reward. Vary the reward based on the personal value of the shoe; old sneaker = cheese; new loafer = roast beef and a few mins playing catch ball on the spot, for example.

    3. @Nym Net Thanks!! That makes loads of sense. It’s usually my shoes he’s attracted to. On more than one occasion, I found him asleep with my shoe next to him that he grabbed while I was out or upstairs.

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