12 Comments on “Advice for New Dog Parents! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #puppytraining”

  1. I find that whenever the dog underperforms or misbehaves a strong punch right between the eyes usually conveys the message. It’s a twofold really. I’m the alpha, and you made a mistake. By the 3rd or 4th punch they’re either unconscious or performing at par.

  2. Best advice I learned from you! I’ve become a dog-training geek since then, but I always come back to how important that relationship with your dog is. ❤

  3. Whatever the skill/behavior you are training have you seen that look? Unconditional attention, trust, loyalty and love. So totally in sync with you, it robs you of breath. Short, frequent happy, fun sessions. Everyone get frustratited at times; best to stop, do something else, never let dissapointment, or frustration color your training. Come back to it with a fresh perspective or at least renewed patience and empthy.

  4. Anyone know what the best Zak George videos would be for me to share with my parents? They are getting a dog soon and they don’t REALLY know the best ways to train. I was hoping to get some direction on the best videos to start their journey so they really know what they’re getting into. They’ve had dogs before, but they weren’t really training them fully. Any Zak Video suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

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