52 Comments on “Dog daddy is going to Toronto and we are protesting. ”

  1. I see the heat you are taking online. Dont fall for it. You are doing the right thing and i appreciate everything you are doing!!! Keep going! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. wrong dog daddy offered to use one of your protesters methods and they refused because they’re scared of aggressive breeds. That’s the problem with Zak he sees methods different from his as abuse which is nonsense. Go to any 3rd world country you see how they treat the dogs that’s abuse. Dog Daddy tried to work with Zak. Zak needs to get off his high horse and respect others methods.

    2. @josem9947  I will gladly challenge the abuser dog daddy anytime using the same methods Zak does using counter Conditioning and classical conditioning

  2. Good seeing you Zak , your channel on YouTube was my second one I subscribed after I got my own channel. How’s life? Still in Georgia much? L8r

  3. I wish we could stop this and get back to dog training. I can’t watch anymore. I am not obsessed with what other people are doing. No more negativity please.

    1. Training like this has been going on for decades and we are finally getting to a point where enough people are becoming educated on this that we must continue to raise awareness. I hate this more than you do believe me! But something needs to be done and my peers and I are on the same page about this and we will not squander the opportunity.

  4. While I agree with your position, I do find the singling out of Dog Daddy a bit concerning. There are plenty of trainers like him with millions/thousands of views. From what I’ve seen, general population is beginning to adopt positive reinforcement and becoming aware of modern dog training. Doesn’t all of this simply create a culture war and push both opinions deeper into their perspective camps?

    1. We are serious about getting results and we are picking our battles and we find him to be the most problematic at the moment given his reach on social media and YouTube for disseminating very poor information to the public which we believe is a public safety risk.

    2. @Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution personally just find it hard to believe that this won’t result in the hardening of the two opinions. Either way, huge fan and regardless of what comes of this; you got my support!

  5. Zak extorted Blaine kennels. They side with him or they won’t delete their negative reviews. Crusade extends to trying to crush small business, even by criminal means.

    1. Everything we have done has conformed to the first amendment and free speech and we are committed to using our legal rights to make our point. We have been legal at every step of the process. In the case of Blaine Kennels, we informed the public that they hosted a highly problematic trainer and the public does not have to like that and is free to voice their concerns under the first amendment. That is not illegal.

    2. Please tell me how extortion conforms to the 1st amendment Zak. Free speech does not extend to a threat (not deleting reviews left in bad faith) if you don’t receive a benefit (denouncing DD) – by definition extortion. Have you consulted with a lawyer? And saying it’s abuse is literally slander, as legally it is not abuse.

      You’re caught up in your cause. It’s taken on a life of its own. You absolutely should be ashamed of yourself. There are better ways than to try and hurt the little guys to spread your message – which is agree with us or else.

    3. If you don’t remember what you said in your own video – you said we would be willing to take down those reviews if they give us something. That’s a crime pal.

  6. I would love to see some of the dogs that Dog Daddy trains, but after days or even weeks of his training session. Short term, the dogs he works with are obviously shut down and scared in his videos, but what happens to them at home with their owners? Albeit, in his videos he is definitely able to read dogs and their behaviour patterns, but I’ve spent an hour or so looking through his videos and I’ve failed to see a video showing a dogs progress months after working with him. I’m genuinely curious.

    1. That is an EXCELLENT question! Would love to see this as well! I’ve recently came across a veterinarian who made an analysis of what’s happening with dog’s language while DD is explaining how the dog is relaxed after the minute he spends with him etc., whilst in reality the dog’s body language is really showing something different. So I wonder, does he indeed understand their body language or just assumes something to make the audience buy into the illusion the dog is “healed now”?..?

    2. ​​​@Nicole EivissaDD has never questioned his approach for a second. In his mind, he’s the master in what he does.

      That giant tattoo he got was proof of that.

      Like you, I see fear aggression, then afterwards, just fear.

    3. And I would love to see Zak George handle an aggressive dog. And not no little house dog either. I want to see him try his methods with the dogs dog daddy is dealing with.

  7. Until you have a video of showing us how to train an aggressive, reactive dog please leave other trainers alone. And I mean we would like to see that video, it might help.

    1. @Joseph Folkemer Hi, I did. I found one video where he just talks about aggressive dogs, one where he called it an aggressive dog but could walk right up to it and the owner said it loved visitors, and another one titled, “Why I don’t train aggressive dogs.” Did you find a good one? I would love to view it.

    2. Thank you for the compliment. You are noticing a lack of aggressive behavior in my videos and that is by design that’s because when working with aggressive dogs you deescalate not escalate and that takes a lot of skill.

    3. ​@Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution maybe show how to handle really problematic dogs instead of this holier than thou approach. Unfortunately not everything can be rainbows and lolipops. Ofcourse that would be preferable but it isn’t always possible.

  8. You’re right Zak! Your just trying to protect the public, and hopefully there are aggressive dogs that can be rehabilitated and trained through positive reinforcement. I applaud you for standing up for what is right…

    1. He isn’t gonna be able to protect the public. You guys are gonna get people hurt by your ignorance. Imagine trying to do positive only training with a stubborn guardian breed. Ill guarantee treats and kisses aren’t going help

    2. @Babyface Half Nelson so would you trust that guardian breed after being trained with your children? I don’t know the answer but wish that there were better ways to train a dog to not be aggressive…

    1. Want to know why that is? Because filling out paperwork to legitimately test on subjects is a bureaucratic nightmare and often those studies are denied funding because no one want to touch them due to legal liabilities.

      Every biologist, doctor, psychologist etc knows this. Rebecca from Freshwater Ichthyology touched on why some of the studies are funky.

  9. Your training methods may be modern, and DD’s are outdated. But his marketing is cutting edge and yours is too basic. He is cool and hip with an accent that makes him very interesting and likelable. While you carry yourself like the prototype white antagonist in a drama series. He’s mocking you right now by strangling dogs in plain view, yet all the awareness you’re raising against him is only helping him grow his following. If your goal is to make him more popular and succesful, then you’re doing great!

  10. I think it is actually far more ethical to just euthanize problematic dogs. If you’re dog is constantly barking, and you are threatened with being evicted, it is better to have them killed than to tell them no. Telling them no is abuse. Killing…ahem putting them to sleep is not. Or just get evicted. That way you and your dog can have all kinds of fun outside. Again, better than telling your dog no.

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