Teach your dog to FETCH

This video goes over how to teach your dog how to fetch anything! Fetching is a fun game for all breeds of any size or age.

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train a dog to fetch, how to train an obedience retrieve, obedience retrieve, retrieve, fetch any object, obedience, dog training, clicker training tips, how to train a dog to fetch, how to train any dog to fetch

#fetch #dogtrainingretrieve #dogtrainingfetch #dogtraining

25 Comments on “Teach your dog to FETCH”

  1. You know Emily, one beautiful thing about your vids is they don’t just apply to dogs. I c/t with my horse, and everything you show is applicable w/him also. I have been speaking with many dog owners lately, and intro-ing c/t to them. My first suggestion is always your youtube site. You are def at the top of the game:)

  2. I never thought about using the touch command to teach my dog to put a toy in my hand. Very useful and fun tutorial! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Fetch is such a fun game to play with your dog ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Love this video ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been teaching my Lab to do this with several things (bringing my shoes, getting her leash and bringing my keys) She finds this game really fun and exciting! hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ I also LOVE Splash’s Rogz ID tag, very fitting ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. oh my! I’m so glad you posted this. I’ve been trying to find the video on getting dogs to pick up objects for a long time! Good video as well. I agree, your videos I recommend a lot and I too have used your method with different species. Works great!

  5. I’m so amazed to see the other dogs just sitting nonchalantly on the couch – not concerned one bit. If I got on the floor & used my “excited” voice, both dogs would be jumping all over me! You do great work Emily! Love it when I have a new video of yours in my inbox!

  6. Emily, you are an amazing young woman and so giving. I was so excited to see that there was a way that I could give something back to you in the way of donations. You rock!

  7. Great job on the editing and putting the vid together kikopup. All the link is very seamless and classy I know it takes extra effort but it really made a big difference. I’m very impressed.

    As for the content, I don’t need to say anymore as I’m a big fan of your work and you just hit another one out of the park.

  8. I really love the personality in your videos ๐Ÿ™‚ Some trainers have made claims that over-reliance on clickers in some trainers take away the human-dog interaction, and have become too mechanical and scientific, which is I think is an unsubstantiated statement. Just because a trainer relies heavily on clickers doesn’t mean his/her relationship with the dog suffers in any way. Well done ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. splash is the absolute cutest! i feel like i’d get into the bad habit of throwing everything in the house just to watch her fetch it ๐Ÿ™‚ love the videos!

  10. Love your videos! We also have a multiple dog household. How do you teach your other dogs to stay calm while you’re training with one of them? Do you have a video about that kind of training?

  11. Just started this with my dog Puppit, I’m really surprised he’s already taking it in his mouth. I had tried training this before and I guess my timing or something was just off. Thanks for the videos! You’re my training inspiration

  12. Excellent. ย I’m going to try this starting tomorrow. ย I love how “school in in session,” and the other dogs just hang out, knowing their turn will come. ย Awesome.

  13. Delightful! I am familiar with some of these concepts; however, observing you perform them with errorless learning is a great reinforcement. And it is also a pleasure to see the dogs so engaged in their training! I’m looking forward to expanding my dog’s repertoire of skills!!

  14. Thanks so much for this video! I’ve watched a few other videos on teaching this and never gotten far– I taught my dog drop-it before, so she immediately thought that’s what I wanted (even though I wasn’t clicking or rewarding for that). Your technique of tugging and backing up finally got through to her that I want her to keep the object in her mouth. We’ll keep working on this and hopefully before long she’ll be putting away her toys!

  15. My dog is pretty good about taking things you ask her to or doing whatever you ask her to do, but you have to ask nice she wouldn’t take any of that ‘commands’ nonsense. It is great to have a dog who thinks for herself weing up situations and deciding what to do than a dog who just follows orders. again, thank you for another excellent post.

  16. It’s gonna rain all day tomorrow, so I think we’ll be practicing some of this! My boy is going to be a service dog when he grows up, and our trainer wanted us to practice fetching but I haven’t been having much success. Maybe this way will work better!

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