How to train your dog to be left alone- clicker training

More to come in this description box. But this video is of the beginning steps of how to train your dog to love being left alone as well as how to set up a error free environment to leave your new puppy in. This video is low quality 1-because its so long, but I wanted you to get a sense of "real time" from it, rather than a slick 3 min tutorial- which will be coming as well going over all the steps and problem shooting
2- because I had to use a different camera because Frys Electronics screwed up MY video camera!

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dog training clicker training whining barking crate pen how to stop seperation anxiety home visit clicker training a new chihuaua chihuahua puppy rescue

23 Comments on “How to train your dog to be left alone- clicker training”

  1. Excellent video! The only thing I do differently is that I almost always attach a crate to that setup. It’s brilliant and effective on so many levels. -tab.

  2. Emily this is just such an important topic! What a cute puppy! I am seeing all these puppies, yours, Perry’s, this one, and I want one! 🙁 Maybe soon! Really awesome video!

  3. I found your videos about a week ago and I’ve been hooked! I’m a dog trainer but mostly do lure and treat. I use a clicker as a bridge but am not nearly as adept with it as you. Luckily, I just got a new puppy (a cattle dog) so will have plenty of time to practice!

  4. Brilliant Emily. I use the exact same method, tho I just go right to the crate or just use a room with a babygate. The pen in a nice idea 🙂

  5. we have a penned area for our 2 chis & have used these techniques from day one. Now 5 years old they just love their “sanctuary” , going in and out of it all day, but closed up when we leave the house. Plenty of Kongs etc to occupy. keep the videos coming. Love your commitment to training !

  6. Thanks Emily…so much! We just got an 8 week old shepherd mix (least that is what they think she is). I’ve been using your suggestions to try to help her with her separation anxiety, and I think she is doing great. She loves the sound of the click…and keeps trying to steal the clicker out of my hand. She continues to whine if left alone for too long…which can be after five minutes. I am trying to be mindful that I don’t want her to train me (and the other members of my household)

  7. I did very similar techniques to condition my 2 dogs to like their outdoor kennel & run where I’d leave them when I go to work. I feed them in there, play with them, & do clicker in there. I say “Kennel!” and they happily run in cos they associate it with a nice place to be. They choose to go in when they’re playin in the garden too as they might find a treat or two 😉

  8. Woohoo! Separation anxiety is my new pup’s biggest problem, so I watched this video 3 times and then set up a room for Mr. NoName to stay in. Just had our first training session like in this video (about 10 minutes long), and he didn’t whine or howl at all! In fact he lay down several times when I was out of sight. SO proud!! Thanks Em, I was wondering how on earth I’d manage to train him to be okay left alone! We’ll be practising this lots and lots! 😀 I’m so happy!!

  9. @AnimalLoverLizzy The key is knowing there is hope, I think! 🙂 Tug would scream, pee and poop in his crate if you just closed the door when I got him- and I was like “ah! That is why the foster said she brought him EVERYWHERE with her! haha” Well, it was only a mater of lessons before he felt relaxed alone. I did need to take 2 weeks off though just to get him on the right start, as he seemed traumatized already. The first lesson I just walked in and out of the room repeatedly…

  10. @kikopup Tug’s case sounds very similar to Noname’s. I’m estimating about 2 weeks before I can leave him. He doesn’t seem to be food or toy motivated at all so I find it tricky knowing how to properly reinforce him except by my own praising, but I don’t want to overexcite him every time I come through the door. So today I’ve just been trying to make it as ultimately boring as possible with me going in and out the front door repeatedly. We’ve finally worked up to 1 minute of separation so far! 🙂

  11. This video, along with ALL of your videos really help me! The only thing with this, is that my dog is a little over a year, and she’s able to jump 4 foot gates, so I can’t leave her in a pen. I have a crate for her, but she is constantly pulling things surrounding it in, and shredding them. She recently shredded a hand made bed, and my favorite collar that she had! I would LOVE to have to be able to just roam the house, or be okay to just hangout in my room while I’m gone, but right now, it

  12. Emily I’m just mesmerized by ALL your videotutorials about how to train dogs. They are so inspiring. I’ve been doing the clicking part with my own tongue instead of using cliker, as I already find it complex enough trying to handle treats quickly and smoothly with my hands. I love the way you build reactions in the dogs, it’s magic.

  13. I don’t know if you still need help with this or not, but I find interactive/foraging toys to be very useful. I generally put dog bones out for her also & leave interactive toys stuffed with treats or something laying around for her to play with while I’m gone. A good ‘special’ treat for my dog is to mix her dog food with a SMALL amount of soft dog teats crumbled up & mixed together with a SMALL amount of Peanut Butter stuffed in her foraging toy. She cant resist it. Good luck!! =)

  14. A word of caution! 
    Although I agree with using a pen for a newer puppy at home, we did this with our boxer pup and had a little mishap. At some point in the day (he was only alone for about 3 hours as I had to go into work that day), he jumped up into one of the corners and his toe got stuck in the hinged area. I have no idea how long he was like that. We took him to the vet and no lasting damage was done (although his knuckle is a little big now), but what a terrifying experience for him!

    Make sure your pup is happy and used to his pen, and definitely find some way of securing it at the hinges so this can’t happen. The one in this video looks like it’s tight at the corners, so that’s good. 

  15. Thanks for the video!  We were a bit stuck with Apollo crying every time we left the room (he is a puppy we have had for 2 days now).  The only time he didn’t cry was when he slept.  I loaded up the clicker with some hot dog, and BF and I left the room.  I worked the clicker for a bit, stepping in and out of the room, eventually taking longer to click and come back.  Before I even got through the treats I had ready, he went to sleep in his crate!  This was pretty much a first.  Just goes to show the power of counter conditioning.  On the note of counter conditioning, our cat Remy was very unsure about him in the start.  She joined right in on the clicker session when she smelled hot dog, and there they were on the floor, side by side 😀

    1. really? I’ve had a puppy for 2 day now and she just follows me like a duckling. She can’t even stand when I’m in bathroom. Hope this would help then.

  16. You make the best training videos!! Your attention to detail and description are so easy to understand. You’re focused and really into your subject matter.Thank you! I’m rescuing a 2-3 year old Chihuahua and getting him in 5 days so just wanted to brush up on some good tips.

    1. Awe thanks! I am going to redo some of my old videos, since I now have a better camera… Also many years more experience 🙂

  17. Hey kilo, me and my wife are so greatful for all the amazing videos and how we have learned that positive training is the way to go, we will get a cavalries King Charles spaniel in a couple of months and have been studying of all the correct behaviors and training. But we are terrified about crate training (or in this case puppy play pen with a crate and potty grass) we were wondering if you have any videos about how that setup should be and how to deal with a puppy that whines for attention eventhough in the play pen with toys. Because cavaliers are super emotional and require attention, but we don’t want to give excess of attention to creste a fearful dog. If you could help us or have a video about that would be great.

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