STOP Barking at Noises

Please watch the latest version of this video here :

This video addresses the issue of barking at noises while in a house or apartment when the owner is home as well as absent. Dogs bark for many reasons. We can assume that dogs are barking at noises they hear outside the house because they are either startled, aroused or worried about the noise. There could also be the aspect of communicating to the other dogs and family members that they have heard a noise, which no doubt we selected dogs to do for thousands of years.
Barking can cause problems for us humans, like getting an angry note from the landlord. It can also cause problems for your dog. Worrying or being excited about what is outside while inside can mean that your dog will not be getting as much sleep and this can even cause chronic stress. Reacting to noises while at home is usually one of the root causes of other behavioral problems that show little or no improvement no matter how much time is spent with a behavior modification plan. For example, if you train your dog 100% of the time while on a walk around your neighborhood not to react to people or dogs, but then while you are at work an he reacts to the sounds of the people and dogs outside, it will prevent your training from progressing.
Here is a link to an article on this same topic:
Barking at the knocking at the door:

The settle:

Teaching the leave it cue:

Go to your bed:

Interrupting undesirable behavior:

Check out my dogs’ daily antics on INSTAGRAM:



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Happy Training!

– Emily Larlham (AKA Kikopup)

#stopbarking #dogtraining #dogtrainingstopbarking

how to get your dog to stop barking, how to get your dog to stop barking at noises, how to get your dog to stop barking at sounds, barking at outside noises, how to stop dog barking at window, alert barking, dog barks at every noise in apartment, my dog has suddenly started barking at every sound,
How to stop my dog from barking at every sound he hears?

31 Comments on “STOP Barking at Noises”

  1. Thank you very much ..I have German shepherd puppy 5 months old ..I searched about dog training videos…you are the best one I learned very interesting informations….thanks alot and good luck 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Great video, as always.
    A topic I‘m interested in right now is staying home alone. I was able to have my dog with me all the time for the first few months so she‘s very attached to me and barks…

    1. We’ve had a little bit of the same issue. Even if we knew it’s important to train being left alone I feel we have not trained this enough as our kids have been home from school all summer.
      In addition to actually training being left alone, here are some things that have helped our puppy stay calm when we leave the house:
      Exercising beforehand so she’s tired.
      Ignore her for the last 10-30 minutes before you leave (it helps her focus on her toys, bed, etc. instead of focusing on you).
      Limit her space to one room.
      She gets her breakfast from a frozen Kong when we leave (chewing it makes her sleepy), plus we hide kibbles around the room that she can sniff around for.
      My mother in law takes her for a walk in the middle of the day and then someone is usually home quite soon after that, if your puppy is left alone for more than 4-5 hours, try to arrange for someone to take them out.
      When you return, ignore her for a couple of minutes (this makes it less exiting for her to wait for you all day). When she settles down you can go sit beside her quietly and enforce her for greeting you calmly.

    2. Emily, my 7 year old freaks when I leave, even for a few minutes. She barks nonstop. She didn’t do it at the vet (she was there for 3 hours), so I think she’s trying to manipulate me to come back.
      It’s not her “danger/warning” or “real” bark. It’s a high pitched shriek.

  3. I watched probably all videos with this theme and train it with my three dogs for two months. Somethimes I am tired and have doubts…Somethimes I am happy, because my dogs look more calm than before 🙂
    I enjoy hearing and watching this video to make me sure, we are on a good way😊
    Thanks a lot🙂

    1. It’s harder when there are more than 1 dog barking at things. I think of it as a respondent behavior- one you dont consciously think about. Like when you are with people laughing you laugh, or when something frightening happens you take a deep breath in, or jump at the toaster, for dogs when they bark at noises its like they are jumping at the toaster. I do have this article on reducing stress-

  4. Thanks you so much for your amazing tutorials & dedication. Very much enjoy every one of them. As always exceedingly good explanation, easy to understand & so remember. Understanding why they do these things & the language of them is essential for our interaction & relationships with them.
     The more people understand the better.

    Thanks also for touching on the area of
    Feeling  safe, lack of sleep, guarding, frustration, & that our behaviour can be unwittingly reinforcing unwanted behaviour.
    Absolutely love all what you do. Thanks so much.

  5. Excellent points, we have such quiet rooms, especially during storms. We also found taking dogs out for enough exercise several times a day & having a job, lastly doing distraction training so they get use to it. We also go out in almost any weather. Keep sharing, its all been such a blessing for us. Blessings.

  6. Once again, great information. I sometimes critter (dog) sit for friends. They have an Australian Shepherd that LOVES to bark. The Lab isn’t quite as bad, but doesn’t mind joining in. The elderly Chihuahua is rather quiet. After the first day they usually mind, stop barking so much. I will certainly use some of techniques you gave the next time I get to stay with them. Thank you! <3

  7. If I may come with suggestion: I would love a video where you teach the dog to raise their paw, like raise their hand! So like when you say “everyone that wanna go home raise their hands…” the dog sits and lifts its paw fairly high like a high five, but without the hand 😄

  8. Thanks for the tips on creating calm… I’ve been working on this with our 1.5 yr old lab mix, who barks when she sees neighbors out the window or anyone comes to our porch or door. First up, convincing my husband not to yell “hey!” when she barks, as it doesn’t help calm even if it distracts her briefly.

  9. Thanks for your tips. What if your puppy only barks when you leave the house? Not at the noises but at the fact that you’re leaving (He doesn’t stay alone though, we have a 14 years old dog who stays calm, but the puppy starts barking at the moment we close the door)

  10. Hi Emily! I really appreciate all the material you upload and the amazing insights you give. I have a 5 month mini doxie and she barks a lot. The issue is that we live in a building were you can hear everything in the hallway and outside. It drives her insane, at this point my boyfriend and I are trying to implement some of the training you show in your channel the issue is that she barks so often we don’t know what to do. If we distract her and get her attention on something else she readily goes back to barking. Alternatively, if we catch her attention and reward her she will start barking even more although I am pretty sure we make sure to distract her enough from the barking and reward her a good interval of time after it happened. I feel like in a way we might be doing something wrong and reinforcing the barking. Please help 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. For real! In the beginning I’m thinking “how the heck am I going to have a motorcycle drive by a thousand times for this” 🤦🏼‍♀️ duh! So genius!

  11. Thank you, you are amazing! A fantastic tutorial again with some really useful tips. Absolutely love your training methods. Thank you x

  12. my dog doesn’t react to us doing the sounds or recorded sounds but when the sound comes from strangers he always start barking, so I don’t know how to approach his situation. He has almost 8 years I hope it’s not too late. For now trying to distract him and requesting to do something that he already knows and reward him is what was working best, but if we don’t keep his attention with several requests and distract him enough time until the sound is over (foot steps, doors, neighbors talking, upstairs dog running) most of the times he continuos with the barking.

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