11 Comments on “Barking at the Door 😖 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #barking #stopbarking #dogtraining101 #puppytraining”

    1. Thank you for the thumbs up. I have a Cane Corso so maybe that’s why I’m biased and encourage my dog to alert me when someone knocks. However I can understand when a dog is barking just to bark, going nuts when there’s a knock or doorbell ring -usually associated with smaller dog breeds.

  1. One of the best things about dogs is that they bark when someone is at the door. Excessive barking is of course not good, but I would not train my dog to not alert at all.

  2. Why wouldn’t you want them to bark? They’re alerting you to a stranger at your door, and simultaneously letting the stranger know that you have a big dog

  3. What do you do when performing the behavior is more rewarding than anything you could offer? Like chasing squirrels, counter surfing, barking, etc.

  4. Is ev thing u do reached with food? I mean my dogs would be sooo overweight if this is how i trained them! I taught my dogs to respect me n i reinforce that with something they like like, not giving it to them to reinforce ev behavior. Besides, i like my dog to let me kno some1 is on property

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