13 Comments on “Here’s a Really Powerful Way to Stop Excessive Barking #dogtraining #puppytraining #shorts”

  1. I’ve had a Sammy puppy for a week and today was our first lawnmower experience. He stared at them like WHAT IN THE HECK IS THAT. So I lured him closer and closer to the window with a delicious puperoni lol no barking but still doesn’t want to be bffs with it 😅 but I’ll take caution over aggression any day (especially as he’s gotten into puppy biting in the last couple days 😮‍💨). Best believe I’ve been binge watching your channel lol

    1. She is an mix,i think they have done DNA test but it’s not done? I’m not sure😅 And no hate or anything put breed*,some people really care about right writing so they could hate on you. Nice day!

    1. You can capture the barking behavior by waiting for your dog to bark and after the second one if they look like they’ll continue barking, you call out your command, e.g.: “bark” and immediately upon the next bark, mark the behavior (yes/click/treat/toy). Try doing this 5-10 times and finally, you can practice, when your dog seems like they’re unsure as to whether they should bark or not, you can call out your command and when they do bark, reward them. After a while your dog will be able to bark on command, which is good, because you can make them bark and then while they do bark but are also paying attention, you can introduce a new word suddenly, such as “quiet”. They will naturally stop barking, because they’re paying attention and just heard a command they don’t know. So next you immediately reward the “not barking”. Repeat this 5-10 times and you’ll find when they start barking on their own, you can call out your quiet command and they’ll settle down and look to you for what to do next, rather than continuing the barking. This method worked on my 2 month old puppy.

  2. My boyfriend’s dog gets on my nerve with all the barking. She barks if someone comes to the door or if your taking to someone or she sees you 🤦🏾‍♀️😩

  3. Yup😅 my dog is a pandemic dog. Got him when he was a tiny young puppy in April 2020 and he barks at everyone who passing by the sidewalk in the front yard and if anyone other than the family come into the home😭

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