How to Stop Squirrel Chasing! What You Need to Know! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogs

Even though your dog isn’t out there hunting for their meals (hopefully), predatory chasing can still pop up in everyday situations and maybe even catch you by surprise…

But, these behaviors actually follow a predictable sequence! And once you understand it, it’s going to make training your dog not to chase every moving thing they see significantly easier!

Does your dog CHASE after things?? What kinds of things? 🧐 👈 Watch this full episode to learn everything you need to know to use the predatory sequence to your advantage when you’re training your dog!

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7 Comments on “How to Stop Squirrel Chasing! What You Need to Know! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogs”

    1. Even though your dog isn’t out there hunting for their meals (hopefully), predatory chasing can still pop up in everyday situations and maybe even catch you by surprise…

      But, these behaviors actually follow a predictable sequence! And once you understand it, it’s going to make training your dog not to chase every moving thing they see significantly easier!

  1. I have been using your methods on my rescue girl. But it is almost like she is shutting down. And by that i mean always having her tail down and pinning her ears her eyes is all big and black and i am using a calm voice with treats and praise i am redirecting her with the touch cue and I keep training sessions short and sweet. Why does she not want to engage me. Why if i call her she know won’t just come but stay at arm length away. And why no matter how fun and exciting i am trying to be she will start to shack and stay away. I am using all your methods giving her space and only using positive reinforcement but i feel so disconnected from her.

    How can i improve this.

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