9 Comments on “I don’t know if you’re ready for this. #looseleash #leashtraining #dogtraining #dogtrainer #puppy”

  1. i cannot even explain the hatred i have in my heart for the people pushing using harsh meathods and acting like that’s an overnight fix when they react quickly to the PAIN you’re causing them…. it’s so frustrating, like yes you would also comply immediately if you have medal rods inching and poking into your neck anytime you moved a way you’re not suppose to, but they don’t tell you which way is the way you’re not suppose to you can only learn from feeling the pain and learning those boundaries that way…….. it’s almost as if that’s considered TORTURE if done to a human 🤔 so glad to see your content being spread more im sick of the lies and slander out there about positive training methods :/

  2. In my experience as a trainer, I have found that teaching Loose Leash Walking has more to do with teaching the human at the other end of the leash. In the past, it was thought that we had to keep the leash short and tight, and to give corrections when the dog pulled ahead. People pull back on the leash and hold it tightly, dogs have no choice but to pull away from the tension on the leash. If we show the human a better way to handle the leash, and reward the dog for choosing not to pull, walks, in time, get better. Always reward the dog for making good choices.

  3. I was advised to use one of those metal spike collars but I don’t want to inflict pain as a training method and just looking at them makes me think pain! I have 2 GSD’s who are just as sweet as can be but they get really excited to be out and about and end up walking me as a result. Looking forward to a solution, old school or otherwise.. so thank you. 👍🏼😊

  4. Thabk you so much, Zak! 3 years ago I adopted a puppy and s couple months before actually bringing him home, I literally binge watched every single one of your videos and they’ve helped a lot! I taught my dog the speak command, stay, come, sit, down, shake/paw, etc all from your videos! You’ve helped out A LOT! Now I’m going to train my dog to walk on a loose/looser leash! Thanks again! ❤

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