8 Comments on “Is your dog OBSESSED with something? Figure out how to use it to your advantage… #dogtraining”

    1. My youngest has a squeaky bouncy ball that she will drop anything for, even her favourite doggy choc treats… my oldest used to obsess over nylabones, but he’s old, blind, and going deaf, and I am now his obsession. 😕

  1. Figuring out how to channel George’s love of baseballs and use it to my advantage during his training made ALL the difference with a dog like him! It was like night and day once we got on the same page ⚾️⚾️⚾️

  2. My dog was not super toy motivated(I was very confused as shes a cross of 2 different retriever breeds and was beginning to think she was just a funny exception) til she found a baseball. Now shes on her way to becoming a fetch addict. No idea why its so different to other balls but its one of her favorite things now.

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