New Puppy!!?! Meet Shade the Cane Corso! #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogtrainer #newpuppy #survival

New puppy!!?! 🤯 Meet Shade the Cane Corso! What do you want to see him learn?!

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22 Comments on “New Puppy!!?! Meet Shade the Cane Corso! #dogtraining #puppytraining #dogtrainer #newpuppy #survival”

  1. What do I want to see? More cute puppy videos, that dog is freaking precious. I miss our dog’s puppy days when the naps come all of a sudden!

    In all reality, I’d love to see you handle a high-anxiety/ global phobia dog eventually. I’m hopeful Shade isn’t like that but when our puppy stopped walking on our hardwood floors I wish there were some resources out there on how to deal with anxiety and phobias. Took a vet behaviorist to give us true answers but again, it would be a big help to have resources out there for that type of dog!

  2. DIGGING PLEASE. And not waking up a million times in the night. Our Iggy is 5 months now and she STILL wakes up three or four times each night, not because she has to go outside, but just generally to climb on our faces and remind us that she’s still there. And then she goes back to her bed 😂

  3. Addressing excitement when someone enters the house. My two dogs are absolute angels…. 10 minutes after people come over, but for those first 10 minutes they are anxious and loud, very barky. I’d love to see how you tackle that situation.

  4. I’d love to see how you train in a household with multiple adult humans. How do you get a dog to listen/respond to each person in the household as equally as possible? 💜

  5. Please do another video on puppy biting/nipping when playing. Trying to stop my 10 week old mini goldendoodle from putting tiny holes in our clothes and also figure it how to teach her not to nip at the kids. Thanks Zak! Love your videos

  6. Excited to see this. I’m really keen to see you focus on how you deal with multiple dog household. I’ve adopted a 2nd dog at home and there are different behaviours I am noticing from our older dog i.e. not wanting to play frisbee with me anymore 😭😂

  7. I live in Australia and have a 13 week old mini Groodle, Summer. I would love all the tips, especially on puppy biting and how to teach her to calm.

  8. So excited for another series as yours never disappoint!!!! Thank you for bringing us videos like this, and showing us how you do these things!

  9. Can we have updates from Shade’s humans afterwards? Are they force free corso handlers? Or new to the breed? I would also love a “meet the trainer” series talking to other force free people about what they do, especially those who train “in the field” at shelters or for clients.

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