Solve your dog’s CAR ANXIETY! (must watch)

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Please watch: "I drove 20 hours to train this Goldendoodle! (vlog)"


32 Comments on “Solve your dog’s CAR ANXIETY! (must watch)”

  1. Thank you for sharing this video. My dog is overall a laid back and obedient guy, but as soon as I slip in my consistency with my expectations for his behavior during car rides, he picks up whining again. It’s mostly excitement and anticipation of going somewhere fun, but on rare occasions he will bark one or two times right when we arrive. Thank you for the reminder to use a balanced approach to use leash pressure to correct and food to reward. Using only one method doesn’t have as much staying power. I have him in a “down” in a crate in the backseat for safety.

    I am new to your channel, but I am really enjoying your content so far. The five pillars of dog training are great. I initially trained my dog five years ago using methods from Solid K9 Training. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dont forget safety in the vehicle! Crate training can help transfer into a vehicle to let them have a safe place. With lots of traveling with dogs personally for competitions and seminars crates can be a lifer saver in an accident.

  3. Hi Nat, need your advice on car anxiety. My dog start drooling and refuse to walk towards the car whenever he knows that we are bringing him out. Once we carry him onto the car, he will drool all over and close his eyes looking so dizzy

    1. Generally speaking, you need to start out slow just walking him around the car and then reinforcing him, then slowly advance and increase the requirements that need to be met before you give him his reward

    2. Could be a mix of anxiety and just general car sickness. My dog is pretty obedient and while sometimes she doesn’t want to jump in car most times its effortless getting her in and having her just lay down. However she does experience motion sickness (drooling, panting etc.) from time to time. We try to limit when we feed her if we know we’re going for a long drive.

    1. The best way to become a good trainer is real world experience. Find a local highly rated balanced training facility and ask to do an internship, trust me most trainers will be happy to have extra help! If you find that you truly enjoy training and that you have decently good natural handling skills, then I would recommend taking some dog phycology classes and or k9 care and handling which will both be very beneficial to taking your training to the next level. If you have personal dogs also try and work on some basics to get a feel for things such are implementing marker words, crate training, “place” or as this trainer uses the “climb” command etc.

  4. How long should the car ride be when starting out? We take our girl whenever possible but she pants horribly and her heart is racing on the ride. She also will not leave one spot of the car car no matter that.

  5. I got two rescues and they start by not wanting to go near the car. Once in the car it’s immediate drooling and panting which proceeds to vomiting and then the vomiting turns into pooping. I also think one reason they have terrible car anxiety is because before I rescued them somebody dumped them off. Possibly they think that it’s gonna happen again.

  6. Yeah I’ve been trying all this for years and it doesn’t work. He has really good training listens outside the car but his hearing almost is like it turns off and he starts screaming. So yeah I’m not sure you can say this is for all anxiety maybe for light anxiety but not hard core.

    1. starts with that,,, dogs not like sudden movements in the car and sudden sounds… So the next time you take them out they think bad things will happen. you make them sit or lay down and then you ignore them. Otherwise you’re going to get upset

  7. dogs dont like motion. Usually the unexpected bumps or sudden motions is what gets them scared… The best thing to do is ignore them ,,,unless it’s really bad

  8. My doggie is 7 and half years old been riding with me over the road truck his whole life getting worse this past year with heavy breathing even quit a job because i knew he couldn’t handle the truck

  9. I’ve had my dog for a little less than a year and he goes on car rides everyday but nothing works. I’ve tried what you said and still nothing, I don’t know what else to do.

  10. My dog is horribly anxious, especially in the car. He pretty much only lays on the floor in the backseat but switches sides often. I tried to many times to use harnesses, hammocks, and seat belts for him to still be buckled in and safe, but he always finds his way back on the floor and will literally choke himself out if he’s attached to a seatbelt. I’m glad he doesn’t move a ton, just wish I could keep him buckled up at the same time 😩

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