14 Comments on “The Simplest Path to Training Your Dog (Anything!) #dogtraining #dogtrainer”

    1. We’re still working on perfecting leash walking. What’s interesting is that he’s better on leash with me than he is with my parents (who live with us). He’s also better on leash in public than he is in our front yard which seems backwards to me. 🤷‍♀️

    2. I have a new dog, and he PULLS on the leash hard

      He is so excited to be out if the house, he sometimes pulls you across the yard
      Which is extremely dangerous

      I want to do positive training to fix this, but I don’t know where to start

      I got him to not pull on a leash in the back yard
      But in the front yard?
      He’s a different dog, which makes sense
      But I don’t know what to do

      I don’t want him to hurt himself or hurt another person

  1. Despite what balanced trainers may tell you, it is certainly possible to raise a happy, well-adjusted, and well-behaved dog using positive methods. Will you have a “perfect” dog? Probably not. Dogs are dogs, not robots. But you’ll have a well-behaved dog that is a pleasure to be around. Sometimes you get a dog that needs a little more help and sometimes you get a dog that doesn’t like certain things (like playing with other dogs). Let your dog be your dog (don’t expect your dog to be a social butterfly if she isn’t). Give them the help they need to be a happy member of the family that is a pleasure to have as a member of the family.

    1. Try finding an area where it’s fenced in, or your back yard
      Put them on a long leash, and try training come that way

      Or run in the opposite direction of your dog
      Be exciting

      When they run after you, reward them for following/ coming to you

      There’s tons of videos on his channel where he teaches this
      Even watching his series

      I hope this helps

  2. To accept cats. He goes from 0-10 in seconds when he sees neighbors cat when he is playing with his husky friend. Cat is so calm on other side of storm door while he is making a scene…🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  3. All of the best dog training decisions that I’ve made so far have relied upon my many years as a preschool teacher. When I think of him as one of my students, I can adjust my expectations accordingly. Your videos showed me the way to do this. 💜

  4. It surely is possible. I now rehabilitate Border Collies and Border Collie mixes that are “problematic” dogs with “history”. Even those dogs that otherwise would be euthanised can be trained. They may not end of 100% “safe” as they have discovered aggression as a problem solving alternative and they may use that again, but so far I have been successful – dogs that I resocialised ended up as friendly and cuddly pets.
    And, no, I use only positive training. Those poor souls already have hurt souls and the last thing they need is more hurt. No, it’s no quick solution. I have to work with those dogs for about 6 months and the new owners need to work with me for some weeks to get the dog used to their family and – more importantly – get the family used to the dog’s triggers and learned behaviour, what to do and what not.

    1. My current foster is a spaniel/setter/border collie mix with history of biting her owner is just a sad soul that is looking for love and direction. Offer her that and the dog that was about to be euthanized will turn into a family dog. She suffers from SOS – stupid owner syndrome

  5. This is very important

    Let’s say you brought a rescue dog home. That’s shut down, and doesn’t want to do absolutely anything but hide

    It’s best to take it slow, get them at least use to life inside the home, be extremely patient with them, before going into a training session

    Or if your dog is depressed after losing a doggy friend or losing It’s favorite person
    You got to give them time to heal

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