He Jumped Off My Balcony! How I’m Getting Him to STOP being WILD and SETTLE DOWN!

He won’t stay, he can’t settle… and I’m supposed to be a dog trainer… This video contains paid promotions.
⭐️ Check out Solid Gold’s premium dog foods: https://solidgoldpet.com/zak
⭐️ Get Pupford’s super high quality chews (like the TURBO TENDONS and bully sticks we use in this video!): https://pfrd.site/chews-deall
⭐️ And you can get all of Pupford’s training treats HERE: https://pfrd.site/here-treats
⭐️ Awesome innovative toys from PLAYOLOGY: https://bit.ly/ZakXPlayology

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Order my NEW book here (if your dog is like Chop, get this one!!!) https://amzn.to/2XiER6f

And check out my other book (broad overview of choosing, raising and training a dog) here: https://amzn.to/1PXH568

38 Comments on “He Jumped Off My Balcony! How I’m Getting Him to STOP being WILD and SETTLE DOWN!”

  1. So excited for this episode! I’m getting a 10 week old puppy on the 13th of November so I’m really excited about that! You made me feel confident in being able to train my first ever dog so I want to thank you for that a lot! 😊

    1. How exciting! Congratulations. But a little word of warning. The dogs Zak are working with now are adults (not puppies). Maybe watch some of Zak’s work with Inertia when she was a puppy. Your puppy will likely have a shorter attention span and may not respond to training like an adult (everything is so new to puppies, sometimes it’s really difficult to hold their attention when they see/smell something new and interesting). Just don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you’re a “bad trainer” or that your puppy is done if he doesn’t react like an adult. Keep the faith and happy training.

    2. @Jan Hankins Thanks for the advice but I’ve already watched them! I came to the channel when the Kona series was ongoing so I watched the Inertia series too! 😊 But thank you again

  2. I got my dog one of their chew sticks and smells like bacon to him and squeaks and he chews the hell out of it and it has no damage. He LOVES it he loves any toy that you tell him is his and he has his favorites but this one he is just different about he LOOOVES it!

  3. You showing the stay routine/opening the door slowly and rewarding the extended sit throughout it really shows you can train very difficult things (and in this case and with a lot of dogs, staying at an open door is HARD for them instinctually) through positivity and pain free consequences (closing the door when the dog tries to go through it, for example — it reminds me of how my trainer taught up to teach leave it initially by having a treat or something desirable in an open palm and then close the hand over it if the dog tries to take the treat, keep the hand open when the dog doesn’t go after it and after a few seconds you can give the dog the treat if you want. The ‘punishment’/consequence here is just lack of access to the treat until they put their attention elsewhere for a second, then you crack open access). These methods can take longer to stick/take longer because you have to really break down behavior into smaller ones. Either way, this is so much better to do this than to YANK a dog back like I’ve seen other people do and scare a dog into not wanting to go through a door. This kind of training takes repetition, time, and creativity, but so worth it.

  4. when people say training dogs is easy, they haven’t tried pure positive reinforcement and the creativity, frustration and hard work it takes. we all know it’s worth it in the end but man, it can be so difficult and tiring

    1. @Kathleen C. truly. every dog needs something different and trainers need to be creative to adjust their training to the dogs need and constantly adjust their plans and methods. its astounding

    2. @Yanaica Reinink You understand aversive doesn’t mean hitting your dog Right? … Do You understand what real non-aversive training is, even Zak uses aversive … telling a dog No or Ahaaa or out is an aversive, using leash pressure even on a flat collar is an aversive, making a sound distraction to startle the dog is an aversive, using body language and spatial pressure to prevent a behavior is an aversive … balanced training is simply communicating with the four quadrants of “Operant Conditioning” … Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement, and Negative Punishment … these are scientifically proven principles that have been proven to work in the sports dog arena for years. Positive only training is like trying to teach your 2 year old that you don’t want them coloring on the wall by giving them a Smarty every time they chose to color in the coloring book … seriously think about how long it would take for your 2 year old to get the message without a correction …. and even if they got your message, if there was no consequence for coloring on the wall how consistent would they be at just coloring in the coloring book?

    3. @Jason Lee I suggest looking up the “Trust Technique” first. My mother taught that to me about 40 years ago. She can make junkyard dogs come to her and lie on their backs for a belly rub. She is much better than I will ever be. I need to have some real time, she just does it in, like, while you are standing and watching. It builds a very good bond with the dog and it puts them into a state of mind that is very beneficial for learning. I have three rescue dogs. One, that was to be put down because of biting his foster family, one former streetdog and one that I rescued from a farm, where 6 of her 9 siblings already have succumbed to cold, parasites and malnutrition. All three have been trained only using positive enforcement and Trust Technique. All three are the bestest dogs you can find. Yes, Leela still has a streetdog mind, she will never lose that. Yes, Woody is still to be managed, but if you knew his history, it is amazing that he developed trust into humans again. Trust Technique and positive reinforcement works, where the usual dog training methods fail. It is not about what the dog *has* to do, it is about the human helping to condition the dog to do, what the human wants him to do because the dog loves to please his family. You will not have a disgruntled dog that hates you do anything for you, but a dog that loves you will walk through fire for you.
      My other Border Collie Blanche loves me, I am her family and she protects me against anything. She’s petite, about 17 kg, but she tells off 60+ kg Rottweilers when they come too close to me for her liking. Not because I taught her, but because she wants to do that for me.

  5. I appreciate you showing the process when you’re struggling with a dog. I know for me it’s helped me with my mind set with my dog. When I want to just give up and let him do whatever he wants I know that Even professions struggle. It’s not easy and it’s time consuming but you can’t just expect it to happen. I think it’s more about training ourselves sometimes. I have an English Springer spaniel and if I give up on training I’ll end up never leaving the house or having anyone over bc you can leave him at home with no supervision since he’s basically bonded with me and his separation anxiety would cause him to destroy my house and no one wants to come over if you’re the guy that’s got a 50 pound dog that jump on everyone and will not settle down. It’s been a struggle but little by little he’s getting better

  6. He is such a good Boi! He has drive to please, he is exceptionally clever, but outside – in the wide open, he is the streetdog that survived on the street. I also have a streetdog, my Border Collie Leela used to escape from her previous family and rather live on the street than with them. She is extremely intelligent – even for Border Collie standards, but outdoors one has to manage her. She is fairly sensitive to the sound of my voice. “Normal” voice is taken as a friendly suggestion, but urgent tone or – God beware – a whistle means urgency and she knows that is no discussion but only obedience. Street dogs are usually more than clever. There are no dumb street dogs, only dead street dogs.

  7. Really enjoying the interactions with Chop and Inertia. Having a 25lb dog that loves to play but is shy with bigger dogs. This is super helpful.

  8. I’m genuinely amazed how quickly he gets new concepts! He shows so much adaptive skill both in new training behaviors and in dog interaction that I think he will turn into such a polished gem! I love how self secure he is too.

    1. Definitely thumbs up for Bree, but in Zak’s defense, it’s difficult trying to train and film at the same time. He certainly did a much better job than I would have!!

  9. Yes, Zak, Bree’s shooting is better than yours. But then, I’m as much a fan of Mrs. George as I am of her Mister. (The only thing missing is that second dog … )

  10. After 10 min mark I can see this was a Super fun day for chop. Playing fetch. Him an Inertia seem to love playing each other and communicate really well.

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