Teach your dog to DROP – Dog Training by Kikopup

In this free dog training tutorial, I will show you a technique I learned many years ago from my friend and dog trainer Kate Palese, for how to train a dog to quickly spit out the toy in his mouth. By training at the correct level of arousal and using errorless learning, you can condition the dog to drop a toy faster than lightening. I have not yet found a better way to teach such a clean and precise drop as of yet.

Once the behavior is trained, you can then use getting to play with the toy again as a reward.

The link to training the same behavior using a dog chew bone is here:

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24 Comments on “Teach your dog to DROP – Dog Training by Kikopup”

  1. Can I ask what treats you use/recommend?
    Also — I did the same thing for my lab and it worked great! It took maybe five minutes for him to catch on. This is the easiest and quickest method of training drop it.

    1. If its something really important I use real meat (boiled chicken etc) or extremely tiny bits of cheese. For other stuff with my own dogs I use kibble, but some dogs find kibble very low value

  2. Thank you so much for all these VERY helpful videos! I have been reading dog training and psychology books plus watching videos like yours(all of them… many many times lol) for several months now. I’ve also been studying about the border collie breed as well, as I plan to own one in maybe the end of the year or in 2017. I want to prepare for one as much as I can! Would you recommend any border collie breeders in California? πŸ™‚

  3. This is a very important behavior for our dogs to understand. Thank you for the tutorial. Really good point at 4:00 on timing of the verbal cue.

  4. Also – rewarding with toys and building a reward of throwing the toy again if they drop it is by far the strongest positive reinforcement I’ve seen in my dogs.

  5. Hi! Your videos are so helpful! Im wondering if you have like a “day in the life” or some type of order of what we should be training our puppies from when we first get them? I found that when I taught my pup using your leave it method and then tried teaching him the ‘sit, down, stand’ circuit he wouldnt follow my hand because i had previously taught him to leave itπŸ€”…please help! and thank u so much for all your content!

  6. I love Your movies πŸ™‚ You speak so calm, slowly without unnecessary excitement. So nice and easy to listen to You. And most important – You teach step by step and tells us what to do if something goes another way than we expect πŸ™‚

  7. I just love all your videos – they are the main base for training my beagle pup (now 7 months). Drop (or as we say – thank you as drop means lie down), is one he struggles with, so I am now trying this version. He is so food motivated though with such a strong nose, all he cares about are the treats in my pocket or the ones I have in my hand, and actually ends up going for that hand instead of the toy sometimes. Think this will just take some hard work and some time, as he isnt incredibly toy motivated either (he gave up after trying for a bit and went to lie down despite sleeping all morning ha!) x

  8. Ah, thank you! I’m training my cousin’s dog for them and the biggest problem he has is that he will not let go of his toys. This is very helpful!

  9. W0W! I have said this in almost the same words to so many dog owners at the park and most of them think I’m nuts, it is refreshing to hear someone who really knows what motivates a dog.Thank You.

  10. I am listening to all your videos, as I just discovered you recently and find you really really good. Now, I would have liked to see the training of the dog being asked to drop something it just found (your best friend’s glove) and running away with it. If the glove has a great value to the dog, the recall might be very difficult, but even if the dog comes back, the drop isn’t part of a game, because he probably knows you might try to replace it by a toy or give him a reward, but you won’t give the glove back.

    1. Well, the video on teaching dropping high value stuff like bacon or whatever they find, is in my Weekly Manners program on my website dogmantics.com However the closest thing to it, is this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIR3MtTSyIw Its about teaching your dog to come to you even though hes eating something. Basically through training, your do learns doing what you ask is always in his best interest.

  11. She’s tooooo excited even when I’m moving too slow with her! And if I don’t give her the toy she mouths my arm as is warning to bite me if I wouldn’t give her the toy!πŸ˜„

  12. oh my gosh, our border collie is so crazy about tug that I hadn’t yet found a training video that worked for him! (he’s 15mths old). This worked immediately! thankyou for describing what to do with a tug-loving dog that gets abit overboard. Grabbing one of his toys he is less keen on worked well. Once he got the idea that ”give” meant let go I quickly could move to his more favourite tug toy and he still let go (amazing as he usually just doesn’t give up). We are going to keep training this, and hopefully eventually he won’t need the treat reward he’ll understand playing again is the reward πŸ™‚

    1. Well done! πŸ™‚ Sounds like you did an awesome job! πŸ™‚ Yes, youll be able to use more tugging as the reward for dropping πŸ™‚

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