Crazy Dog Tricks

The first trick in this video is Splash showing Service Dog trainers that you dont have to use punishment to train service dog behaviors! Dogs are super smart, they can learn to do all we need them to do though positive reinforcement training.

Splash turned 18 months and I got her hips x rayed recently they look awesome and the vet ok-ed doing agility and Frisbee tricks! So this is the beginning. I would like to thank Al from WhyDogsFly for helping me with learning how to throw the Frisbee. I am still a major novice and struggling with throwing. Arg! I hate being the typical girl who cant throw! Thats ok, because Splash will make me look better than I am. However since my Frisbee lessons I think my throws have improved by at least 50%!!! Splash thanks Al too!

There is an exercise in this video where I am teaching Splash to bark at me. And the reason I trained her to do this is because 1 it s great for movies and 2- I wanted to train arousal on cue as a behavior 3- I wanted to see if I could teach a Schutzhund bark and hold type behavior where the dog is very calm and collected but looks aroused. Meaning a safer more reliable dog, than a dog that is over aroused and over their threshold- less likely to let go when the trainer says out.

20 Comments on “Crazy Dog Tricks”

  1. This is a lot more convenient than harming the service dogs. I hate how they do that, and I don’t like how people crop dogs tails, either. It just seems so cruel.
    But I’m glad that you could show people that it wasn’t the only way! By the way, I’m so glad to hear Splash! is doing well.

  2. I love this video!
    Yikes – I’m a Service Dog trainer and I’ve never even heard of trainers stepping on SD’s tails… the school I went to doesn’t teach anything to do with tails, but all the dogs seem to naturally tuck in. And I train Poodles, so haven’t found it to be an issue.


  3. How did you teach the front crossing of the paws…that’s so cute! My guy can march (pick up same foot as mine while sitiing in front) and this would be a great addition!

  4. Que Bien Emily!!!! Muy buen video me gusto mucho, en especial los “tricks” con frisbee , Felicidades pra ti y Splash!!!!!!
    Saludos !!

  5. Great video! Splash is so smart, and looks like she truely enjoys doing her tricks for you. I’ve been watching your vids for a while now, and want to thank you for encouraging people to train with possitive reinforcement. Althought I don’t have a dog (I’ve got a bird), I firmly believe in possitive reinforcement training in all animals. You’re a wonderful example of how trainers should work with their animals. Thanks for making me smile & giving hope that neg. reinforcement can be eliminated!!

  6. Amazing video Emily! That tail trick was pretty neat. I’ve never seen that before. I’m sure Splash is going to be amazing at frisbee and agility! Can I ask you for a bit of advice though? How did you teach splash to “cross paws”? I don’t think it was in this video; you know when the dog lays down and crosses paws?
    Hayley & Indi

  7. Those are really cool amazing (and crazy tricks 🙂 – I love your creativity! Great job, Emily and thanks for making these great videos, again and again and again. Can’t wait to try some of tricks with my little dachshund (won’t let her jump too much though, haha). Can wait any longer for your Dogmantics II… Keep it up!

  8. I’m glad you put this comment in here. I saw and loved the video but got upset at the implication (i assumed) that SD trainers aren’t kind to our dogs. I have a clicker trained SD and she ROCKS, positive reinforcement makes for better bonding in a SD team. Your a great trainer, love the vids.

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