Does your dog react to wildlife? Do you want a video about this? #dogtraining #dogtrainer #barking

Getting Inertia to the point of not reacting at the sight of large animals has been a journey, and I’m always proud to be reminded of how far she’s come 🥰 How many of you are struggling with this?

Would you be interested in a video breaking down everything I did to teach Inertia not to react inappropriately to wildlife, and showing you exercises you can do with your dog?

Anything else you’d like to see in such a video?

#zakgeorge #dogtrainingrevolution #dogtrainer #barking #stopbarking #positivedogtraining #positivedogtrainer #positivereinforcement #trainwithoutpain #noshickcollarneeded #noecollarneeded #ecollartraining #balancedtraining #balanceddogtraining #usedproperly #notoolsneeded #noshocknoprongnochoke #barkingdog #obediencetraining #reactivedog #reactivedogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining101 #puppytraining #evidencebaseddogtraining #moderndogtraining #positivereinforcement #ilovemydog

8 Comments on “Does your dog react to wildlife? Do you want a video about this? #dogtraining #dogtrainer #barking”

  1. Getting Inertia to the point of not reacting at the sight of large animals has been a journey, and I’m always proud to be reminded of how far she’s come 🥰 How many of you are struggling with this?

    Would you be interested in a video breaking down everything I did to teach Inertia not to react inappropriately to wildlife, and showing you exercises you can do with your dog?

    Anything else you’d like to see in such a video?

  2. Or you can have an e collar and allow your dog to be off leash and have the e collar Incase your dog decides to react. Either or works great to make sure your dog is safe

  3. I took Marzieh to a place with horses to see how she would react. She sniffed the urine trail then lost interest. I am more concerned about how she might react around sheep. She is a border collie 😆

  4. my corgi is the best behaved corgi i’ve ever experienced because of your techniques and videos. thank you so much 🥺❤️

  5. Yes! Mine are naughty when hiking around rabbits and chipmunks and my darling Dune can be a bit of a wanker and he does this guarding fake snippy thing towards his sister Roma when we see prey.

  6. yes this would be awesome. Inhave an amazing hiking dog that’s 100% malamute and when he sees a deer he chases…he has gotten a lot better and will stop now and a run of about 40 yards…but i don’t want him to even chase. I hike in the cabinet mountains of Montana and the last thing I want is to have him bring me back a Grizz. Using a leash isn’t practical for alotbof the places I am going into. Actually last year a dog was chasing a deer across the highway …I swerved and missed the deer, unfortunately I hit the dog and killed it. Itvwas a horrible experience. It was a mom who was dog sitting because her daughter was in the hospital giving bearth to her grandchild.

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