Dog Training Tip of the Day- Counter Conditioning- clicker dog training

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Dog Training Tip of the Day- Counter Conditioning- clicker dog training

I will be making a video about classical and counter conditioning, but this video is for people who have already started using counter conditioning to change their dogs emotional response to certain stimuli. For example helping fearful, shy, reactive or aggressive dogs to be calm relaxed and happy around their triggers instead of having a fearful or aggressive reaction.

"Dog Training" "Tip Of The Day" Clicker Dogs Help Tips Counter Conditioning how to train a dog dog training 'Clicker Training' calm aggression fear reactivity

20 Comments on “Dog Training Tip of the Day- Counter Conditioning- clicker dog training”

  1. HUGE lightbulb moment for me! I’m in the same boat with my border collie mix, Dolce, making exactly the same mistake, and seeing exactly the same [lack of] results.

  2. Yes, great example of setting up for success, even I have done this with my dogs before without even knowing until later when I see my dogs are more focused on the reward then what is going on.

  3. One thing I love about this is that Emily, who is a superb trainer, is not afraid to say when she made an error. The best trainers always look to themselves first for errors, and not to the dog. Emily knows the science, applies it ethically, and with kindness. She rocks!!!

  4. Just telling my husband how there are people who deserve to have success in their lives because they make a genuine difference and make the world a better place…you are such a person Emily. I don’t own a dog yet, but hope to in the spring. Thank you for all you videos!!!

  5. What a great video Emily, I definitely need to work on my Lab with reacting to food (over stimulated and totally focused on food compared to me) I will definitely use your wise words of advice for our flyball training! A huge thank you for posting 🙂

  6. This is so helpful! Roxy is completely focused on food all the time, so this is something we’re going to start working on right away! Thanks!

  7. Thank you for this video. My dog is also afraid of humans and noises (from cars, trucks,…) – I will try to feed him treats when he sees the human approaching. I trust that it is going to work – thanks so much!

  8. love it! my dog is reactive towards other dogs and i have been trying counter conditioning and have not seen that much improvement. during training sessions with my dog which training gear do you recommend? such as a harness, muzzle, gentle leader head collar etc..

  9. Allie is a rescued Sato and we have been working on her reactions to oncoming humans and dogs that she does not know with some success; however, this really sheds on new light and brings us to another level. We have practiced not focusing on the food; however, the trigger moment as you describe is brilliant. We will surely be more aware of the proper trigger and increase our practice with treats out of focus! We really appreciate you and your advice! Barbara, Trixie and Allie

  10. Well we are using this with the reward on the trigger and it works awesome. This was just what we needed to advance in this area of encountering new dogs and people. Allie has improved greatly and is really beginning to see these things that were causing her to react improperly to now staying calm. We still have to do the exercise every day; but it works right away; now that we are changing her mind to think it is good instead of bad to discover new people and dogs. Thanks so much.

  11. the fact that you kept trying for 8 months before you realised what was going wrong is amazing… my own behavior of trying to countercondition my dog extinguished much sooner with the lack of results 🙁

  12. Thank you! I love how clearly you explain the ‘focus on food problem’ in counter conditioning and also how to set up your dog to be successful to start with. Thanks for sharing Splash’s story – this makes it easier to relate and understand.

  13. thank you – i am currently clicker training my dog to work on a variety of behaviour issues and he is very much distracted by and focused on the food, so this is really helpful  ^_^

  14. i’ve been counter-conditioning my dog for a week. seeing this makes so much sense and i’m so glad i’ve seen it now and not in 8 months! Thank you!!!

  15. I know this is video is from a few years ago, BUT having “discovered” your channel, I have a lot of catching up to do. Appreciate the clarity on not only what to to do but also what not to do.

  16. Wow. This is such an impactful video. The example of you and splash in the canyon is really easy to understand and relate to. I can so clearly see where some of what I’m reinforcing is not what I think I’m reinforcing. 🤔

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