Dog training Tutorial: Fading a Lure (while teaching SPIN)

This is a quick how to video I made for a youtube user who said they were having trouble getting rid of the lure. I hope to make a more in depth video on this subject. As well as how to ween off of treats as well. But for now here is my Dog training tip of the day. I created the video immediately after having the idea to make it, so I used my own dogs, it would have been great to have used a puppy. I encourage other dog trainers out there to make How to videos on how to fade a lure when training with food, because it is information that is very important to stop training enthusiasts from getting stuck down the road

Quick tips when using a lure:

1 Get RID of the lure as soon as you can! The goal is within 3 trials.

2 If you don't have a clicker use a very short word like "yes!" or "yep!"

3 Always make it harder and harder, don't get stuck at the same level of criteria

4 If you go to far to quickly you can always go back a step

5 If your dog is not following the lure, get a smellier lure- real meat!

Dog training clicker training training with food how to train a dog how to train a puppy how to get rid of a lure how to stop having food in your hand how to get rid of the food in your hand when training a dog dog how to get the focus off of the treat and onto WORKING for the reinforcement how to use treats when training how to use food when training cool tricks How to teach spin how to teach a dog to spin in a circle how to teach a dog to twirl

20 Comments on “Dog training Tutorial: Fading a Lure (while teaching SPIN)”

  1. Another EXCELLENT video Emily!! Wonderful tips =o) I love Splash’s elephant trick too! I need to teach that to Jesse ;o) 5* and I will definitely referre people to this video!
    ~Heather and Jesse~

  2. Emily, how convenient!! I needed this video the day you posted it. 🙂

    Sparky already knows how to spin (can’t even remember how I taught it, he just seemed to do it!), but we’re looking after a Havanese for a few weeks, she just arrived yesterday, and last night I started teaching her first trick: Spin. So, this video really helps. Thank you!!

    Lizzy & Sparky

  3. Ha! I totally needed this. Mi is so smart, she knows how to do many things but when I ask she just looks at me with this, ‘show me the money’ face. I have gotten so far as to have her do many tricks in a row for one tiny treat but she pretty much has me trained. Thank you for yet another thoughtful video Em. xo

  4. Outstanding video! Love the video close ups of the treat size and how to pretend you have a treat! You are so awesome at making videos! You are an inspiration! Great tip of the day! 5*s as always!! Splash & Kiko are both so amazing!

  5. I tried this today with Jake, instead of using the food lure and a wide hand gesture to get Jake to spin around, I showed him i had no food and he did it!! Then I tried only using a small flick of my hand and again he did it!! Thanks again for this very helpful tip!!

  6. Great video! Very useful information. I loved when Kiko came right up to the camera in the beginning and the end when Splash was spinning on the bucket. And I’m always impressed with your dogs attention during your videos.

  7. Thank you! I was stuck with this and adding the verbal cue, I was unsure about how to do those things. Now I don’t have to use so much treats and hand signals, which is clearer for Miki and now he learns things even faster!

  8. it is amazing the way they are always looking at you (and your hand) when you’re talking in the beginning! they’re 100% focused!

  9. I feel compelled to tell you that you have the best training videos and approach I have seen yet. Keep them coming…I live on the east coast and have weekly clicker training classes with my young dog and your vidoes are helping us to progress even faster…and we are having so much fun doing it! Positive clicker training is the way to go! I subscribed. bc4meps

  10. You are amazing! I tried this today with my miniature poodle and she learned spin just like that! It’s awesome that you’re on youtube. Keep the vids comin’.

  11. Once the behavior is solid, I find it helpful to then give the treat every other time. Then every 1 time out of three and so on. Or if the dog is REALLY smart, don’t fade it on a countable pattern that the dog can get wise to. Also randomly give out jackpots (several treats at once). And try to change up what treats they receive. They should be kept guessing so they don’t rely on getting a treat every time. Also condition secondary reinforcers.

  12. Thank you for explaining so practically and showing how to do it. I knew I was stuck with the lure but just did not know how practically to get further. Thank you for the kind explanations, it is exactly those small simple steps we need to learn. Like learning a new language or something, starting at the bottom. I understand the theory, but its a different language to put it in practice.

  13. I know this is an old video, but I just wanted to say how good of a trainer/teacher you are. Unbelievable how much I am learning from your videos. I have a 4 month Australian cattle dog (blue heeler) and I need all the help I can get in regards to getting him trained. Our dog trainer turned us on to you and without a doubt, you are one of the best on Youtube. Thanks again.

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