Halloween Three – ‘Splash’s Revenge’

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! This is the third video in a series of three halloween videos. Splash the Border Collie wants revenge after a mean old man denied her of her Halloween treats. After looking up the Halloween tradition of 'Trick or Treating', the dogs plan an array of mean tricks to punish the mean old man for not supplying halloween treats. Splash the Border Collie teams up with her trusted side kicks- Kiko the Chihuahua, Tug the terrier, and Trisch the Podenco.



This video was made 3 years ago, but I had trouble with the music copyright which actually I do have the right to use as it is from the Apple program iMovie, which allows one to use the music in the way that I did in this video. πŸ™‚ Sorry if you had seen this video before on my channel, but I personally think it's worth watching twice, especially before Halloween!!! πŸ™‚ Which is actually my birthday.

Sadly I was not able to make Halloween videos since Ive been in Sweden, as the star- Peter, the mean old man lives in California. HOWEVER, next year most likely I will live in California again, and I will be able to make Halloween episode 4 which I am very excited about! πŸ™‚ Hehe.

Do you need some inspiration for you own training? πŸ™‚ We recently released a 1 YEAR long training program called the Weekly Inspirations, where the Members get one tutorial every week that we filmed specifically for this program. That is 52 different tutorials covering cool tricks, body awareness related tricks, proofing exercises and focus games, to build you and your dog's relationship and training skills! These tutorials are not previously released on Youtube. Anyone can join at any time, the program is suited for beginners to advanced trainers, and dogs of all ages. You can find more info and sign up here: http://dogmantics.com/product/weekly-inspirations-membership/

22 Comments on “Halloween Three – ‘Splash’s Revenge’”

  1. I seriously think she could teach dogs to fly if she wanted to! I love watching all of her videos, but especially the training videos as they give you the proper mind set for training. I so much enjoy watching how beautifully her dogs perform! Okay, Phoebe and I are set for watching #4 next fall. . .

  2. When I was 7 years old I watched this video and now I love Halloween so much. Out of all videos on YouTube I came across this one because I looked up Halloween dogs. I’m 13 now and watched the whole little series of Halloween dogs and I feel so happy!!! Please make more this was my childhood. I know it may sound wired that you made a kid so happy by making videos on YouTube. For me, could you maybe make at least 1 more Halloween dog video next Halloween. I will never forget this video.

    1. Awe πŸ™‚ Hehe. I will need to time to think up something funny to do. I mean the dogs made him step in poo, fall in poo, then drugged him and made his hair fall out. Hmm what next?

    2. with your skill and talent for training dogs, what ever you make will be amazing!!! Thank you so much for doing this! You are way to kind!

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