12 Comments on “I’m kinda shocked by this dog exercise tip 😲 #dogtrainer #dogtraining #puppytraining”

  1. The only time I’ve heard this is to prevent them from being over stimulated (Chihuahua), tired dog is a happy dog. Why get an active dog if you’re going to lock them indoors all of the time

    1. I don’t think that’s what anyone’s saying. What I’ve heard is that you should teach your high energy dog to be calm as well so they’re not hyper ALL the time.

  2. Didn’t you already do this a few days ago? Lol. I’d exercise the dog enough to keep them healthy, give them a change of scenery etc, and then I’d exercise them mentally with puzzle toys, advanced training sessions, games like hide and seek etc.

  3. Not a professional but I couldn’t imagine it. My dog would have to be drugged to survive without exercise. Also I am selfish and I enjoy being active with my dog, that is part of the reason I choose my dog. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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