Most dogs won’t listen in new places – This Solution Works Anywhere! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogs

My favorite hack for exercising and training dogs no matter where we are! Most dogs won’t listen in brand new places, especially with distractions around! Here’s some advice 😊

NEW EPISODE: Does your dog show signs of aggression? Learn more about signs to watch out for, and how to handle all kinds of aggressive behavior in my NEW video:

16 Comments on “Most dogs won’t listen in new places – This Solution Works Anywhere! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogs”

  1. Most dogs won’t listen in brand new places, especially with distractions around! Here’s some advice 😊

  2. It’s great to find fenced places for your dogs when they travel with you. Please remember to be thoughtful and clean up after your dog. If you leave the area poop free, you’ll be in invited back. If not, they won’t want you (or anyone else with dogs) to come back.

    1. Yes! The worst part is going to a park where people don’t pick up when your dog likes to eat poop. Luckily, mine grew out of that, but there are many others who have that problem :/

  3. That’s a really good tip that I hadn’t thought of before. I’m thinking if one does this a lot, going to new places with fenced in areas and working on focus, that might get your dog just a **little** bit better at focusing in new places generally, no? I would appreciate your thoughts on this if you have the time! 🙂

  4. This tip is good however it doesn’t work that well on a universal level that anyone can use as for instance where I live there are almost no public fenced in areas where you can just let your dog of leash we mainly have “dog forest” areas for that and otherwise it would be a private fenced in area.

  5. Yeah, I play frisbee with my dog on an oval. She is catching almost every frisbee throw now. Thank you, Zak. She is just over 6 months and I’ve been using your training since I got her . I have to write down all the commands and tricks I have taught her because they are so many.

  6. 3 year old border collie named Lyta. Due to COVID missed out on critical human/dog socialization window at 5-10 months. Is shy/fearful/reactive to strangers approaching us especially so while sitting. She stares intently at the stranger from a distance, and is very tense, as the stranger gets closer it can progress to her standing, warning barking and finally lunging, air snap, or nipping. I have worked to desensitize by exercise before walking in crowded areas successfully, sitting at a table at outdoor seating. This is ok, as long as no one approaches. Need some ideas how to take it further. This doesn’t happen if she if familiar with the person of if the person understands and accommodates a fearful dogs reactions. Its those cases where the stranger is unknown and usually staring at her as they approach and she feels they are to close (3-8 feet).

    1. This is just my personal view in this: What I would do is take your dog to a park so you can be a good distance away from people but still in a vicinity and do training/play around others. Focusing on getting your dog to have attention on you rather than what’s around them using training or really fun play time. And reward your dog by not paying any attention to them and having focus on you. If you notice them staring you want to break there gaze somehow and reward them for looking away. Or this may be a sign that you’re too close.

      If you have lots of friends and family going around the dog I would maybe start out with having the dog in a close proximity but in an safe space for them. If the dog bites this may be like a crate near people, and allow the “strangers” to feed her by tossing her food and perhaps slowly getting close so she can see that strangers aren’t going to hurt her, and in fact bring good things.

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