STOP jumping up!

This video goes over some simple exercises on how to teach your dog to stop jumping on you!
Remember! Dogs jump for a reason! It is either to get your attention, they are over aroused or stressed, or to acquiesce to you (when the dog tries to get to your mouth to lick it)

1-Teach your dog what you want them to do instead of jumping up FIRST
2- Don't reinforce jumping up with attention
3- Proof by creating situations your dog will want to jump up in, so that the dog generalizes the behavior.
4- Prevent jumping when you are not in the mood to train your dog, by having your dog on leash or in his pen


#stopjumpingup #dogtraining #puppytraining #puppytrainingjumping

24 Comments on “STOP jumping up!”

  1. Awesome video. Thanks so much for posting this. This is the single biggest problem I have with my dog Sara and I just couldn’t find a way to stop the jumping. This looks like a great solution.

  2. one of your best videos, and I don’t say that lightly!! if I only I had had this video 2 years ago, Holly was a nightmare for jumping up, she would do it ALL the time and do what I called “bopping” I would try and put a leash on her and she would launch at my face and hit my jaw a few times with her head!! she would do it over and over again, in the end after much training she is almost 100% with it, but she still jumps when she is scared but the excited jumping has more or less stopped.

  3. @kikopup great video! I totally agree about the shy dog thing. Jackson is pretty shy when it comes to new people, never aggressive, barky or biting or anything, just shy. He’s weary about new people petting him, and would prefer to go and sniff them but wants to be ignored until he gets to know the person better! He loves you forever once he meets you once or twice so I don’t discourage his excitement and jumping just because it doesn’t happen very often… it actually shocks me when he doesit

  4. I love how he’s so happy to work with you! I also like how it’s now a reward to not jump up, he’s wagging his tail the whole time when sitting or going into a down ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Love the video! Great ideas. If possible, would you show what to do when there are more people coming in, including kids, and perhaps someone coming in with a dog to visit, and bigger dogs who are very excitable. I realize that things are always different when you are video taping. And this obviously works with these dogs. I’m also wondering if there is an energy that people bring with them when they come into the room, as she tends to do this more with some than with others?

  6. I love this video. I was having the hardest time teaching my dog to stop jumping, because everyone wanted to always pet him regardless of what I said. This technique will still let people show affection towards my dog, but in a much better way. I almost considered a prong collar since I was just so confused as to what I could do since the general population refused to listen to me.

    Luckily, this video came in time! Thank you so much. Don’t know how you don’t have your own TV show yet.

  7. I really like that you did the ‘scardey human’ on this one, seems like that makes some dogs want to jump on you MORE! Love you vids
    My pup has done great with clicker training. I feel better knowing i’m not using physical force or harsh punishments with her.

  8. It takes endless hours of repeating it but it works and itโ€™s worth it. I love your techniques and I use it with success. Thank you!

  9. I love people who train like you. You are truly a Blessing to the canines and to anyone who watches your videos. God Bless you for sharing and helping to improve the treatment of animals. Love how you squeeled like an excited child and the fearful dog petter demo is also very helpful in teaching dogs not to react the wrong way to human emotions. Children often evoke excitement and bad behaviors in their dogs then parents wrongfully/harshly punish the dog for responding in a normal dog way.

  10. You are awesome. I love how you prepare your videos. Thank you so much for your time and energy. I learned more from you than paid classes.
    I am struggling with how to get my almost one year old to come to me when he is off the leash. any tips?

  11. Positive reinforcement. Remember that when he runs it is because he gets a great reward for running, some fantastic smell, a toy, etc. You calling back the dog has to compete with that.

    Start with the dog in a leash and give some good treats when he gives you attention and call him back. Then longer leash and super treats. Use small steps. If he fails it is because you have moved to fast. In the end he will come back every time.

    Your command allways competes againt natural instincts.

  12. I appreciate so much your videos ! Thank you for taking your time and sharing with those of us who have doggies who need manners. I am thankful for your time

  13. you are great! Your explanations about all the principles you use are really clear and your “interventions” are beautifully consistent!

  14. The clicker is an actual tool that looks like a box with a metal plate inside that you push to make a consistent clicking noise. The sound is consistent and can be made instantly so the dog always knows that that specific sound is associated with good behavior (make sure you “charge” your clicker first which is shown in another vid). I found mine for $2 at Petco

  15. Out of all the videos I have watched these are the most helpful and really lists things down for you. Our puppy is slowly getting older and although we have taken her to training she still jumps up and nibbles or bits at people, especially me. I hope to find something that will work.

  16. Everyone is so impressed with my dogs behavior/skills and I always give the credit to you!!! Thanks and love from Colorado.

    1. hi everyone ,if anyone else is searching for how is the best way to train a puppy try Jaffacter Simple Dog Coach (just google it ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my friend got cool success with it.

    2. @Ishan Silva Pretty rude behavior to come to a site that provides FREE and very awesome training to advertise a course-for-money by an unknown, unnamed “trainer” . You getting paid for this? LOL

  17. That puppy is so adorable! To everyone who doesn’t get it; once the puppy understands he’s supposed to stay on the ground, you fade out the clicks and treats. Eventually you get to the point where the reward for staying put is just the greeting itself, and perhaps verbal praise or getting petted. You don’t stay dependent on the clicker and treats for the rest of the dog’s life. So many people think that you’ll always need to keep rewarding every few seconds.

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