20 Comments on “The Leash Training Lie: Are We All Falling For It? #dogtraining #dogtrainer #leashtraining #dogs”

  1. My dogs love their daily walks. I’m sure a professional would see my dogs in the first part of the walk and freakout. In the middle and end of the walk the same experts would think I had the best trained dogs that they have ever seen.

  2. You got this Zak, all your leash training has helped me mentally prepare for when I get my puppy in a few weeks, and I know patience is going to take a big part when training leash training, I look forward on looking at your new videos, your my most reliable source when I come to dog training videos👍

  3. Unless you are secure, calm and in control, no amount of leash walking techniques will help. The dog must respect you and know that he is safe under your care.

  4. This respect comes from the abundance of patience that we must exert towards our dog.
    We learn from not only their mistakes but from ours especially and we must understand that everyday there will be a new accomplishment and a new challenge. Not easy but truly rewarding.

  5. Bad dog trainers will just tell you to put a slip lead preferable those metal ones so the dogs strangle themselves when he pulls and act like that’s the only way to make a dog listen.

  6. I cannot wait to hear this next video. One of my dogs pulls excessively and at times my arms get so sore because of the excessive pulling.

  7. My dog acts like its a race. A gentle leader gets her to walk decent but she hates it and stops in protest or rubs her face on my leg as i walk. If i walk really slow she walks better. If i walk normal she puts her head down and gets further and further. She doesnt yank me just gets out ahead of me and blocks me from turning to the side she is on cause she not paying attention to where im going. Its been almost a 3 year struggle.

  8. My dog will definitely walks nicely with me once I have had a cuddle and chat with them before we walk. Sounds mad, but it definitely makes the difference

  9. my 3 month old pit type walks on leash like a charm after following your advice. there’s a balance of free to sniff out all the surroundings and then she happily heels on. walks are new and exciting so letting her explore is the high value reward, i don’t even have to bring treats! and it’s your fault! 😝 thank you so much for your videos. licks & kisses from Zoe!

  10. I’ve lost my patience and even thought myself the best trainer. Both were catastrophic view points in my training with my dog. I always remember when I see others walking their dog to not be insecure because they have had significantly more time with their dog than I and we as trainers/owners are trying to train something that is nature based in this animal. I get down on the days when it seems like my dog is reverting back to his old habits but then I am so relieved on the days that there is MAJOR progress. Everything is nature based in these animals and we are trying to teach them things that go against their nature. Eventually though it does stick and stay!

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