21 Comments on “The Most Important Barking Advice! #dogtrainer #dogtraining #barking #dogs #stopbarking #puppy”

  1. I have a Irish Wheaton mix and I’ve tried everything to keep her distracted when her dad comes home. Given her distractions… taking her on a walk so she doesn’t see him coming…she still barks when she sees his car in the driveway….it’s the only thing I’ve never been to train out of a dog… 😂 she’s a wonderfully trained doggie other than that. He reinforces the behavior so there not much I can do about it. 😑

  2. My dog barks or whines a lot in the car. It’s just when we are going somewhere though, when he understands we’re going home, he falls asleep, so it seems he’s just excited. He does the same thing when someone knocks on the door. I’ve tried working on both but it’s quite difficult. Do you have any tips?

    1. I don’t know if this will work for you
      But something to try


      My dog whines in the car, which I personally don’t mind
      He’s excited
      I just tell him good boy when he’s quiet, even for a moment
      But he whines every single time in the car

      Only he does it, never had any other dog do this
      But he’s just different

    2. @Icefirewolf Odell I really appreciate the advice, but my dog is a little Havanese in a smaller cage, so he doesn’t really see anything anyway, and also he goes in the car a lot, and it doesn’t matter at what time we leave or what time we come back home, every time we’re going somewhere, he’s really excited, and every time we’re going back home, he falls asleep. Again, I still really appreciate the advice!

  3. Just look for clues
    Like ears go up, body language change, focus changes

    Some dogs run up to the window before barking

    It’s just a lot of watching

    If you mess up, that’s fine
    You’re also learning how to teach a dog to stop barking

    It took me practice to train my dog different tricks
    I made mistakes, but you learn and grow to become better for the next dog

    You and your dog are both learning this together
    Don’t beat yourself up if it takes you 6 months to master it

    1. @nicolette5795  My dogs listen when my family calls them inside while the neighbors don’t do anything

      When there’s a possum, it’s harder, but they do listen

      It’s just the problem of them running into each other

  4. I have been trying to do this but my dog is so hyper excitable that I am not always successful. It’s quite exhausting to try and manage an excitable dog😮

  5. Also you shouldn’t stop all dogs from barking some dogs bark to warn you or alert you. If there is something thats not right. You call yourself a trainer 🤣

    1. You are absolutely correct! Barking is a natural behavior. In the full video I’m sure we discussed that point in detail. This is just a short excerpt.

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  7. We keep at a certain distance from other dogs (if possible) and reward looking at the other dog with candy, if they get too close we move to the side, sit him down, and stuff candy up his nose, lol. It works most of the time, but not always. In the worst-case scenarios, we just pass by with a crazy barking dog at our side. XD

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