What to Train Your Puppy First

What to train your puppy in the first few training sessions

In the first few training sessions with your puppy you can choose what to work on first depending on their behavior and personality.

For all puppies:

• Settle- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wesm2OpE_2c&t=1s
• Following a food lure without mouthing or licking- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwQfW54Yh8s
• Attention noise- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBvPaqMZyo8&
(stay tuned for a new version of this video coming up in the next couple weeks)

If you have a puppy who seems disinterested in treats:

• Make sure your puppy has not just eaten a meal before training. Try a variety of treats of different types and use higher value treats at first.
• Attention games- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTSuPk2Ccjo&t
• Recall- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjd99MlmqqI

If you have a puppy who is over-excited by the treats:

• Make sure to train after he has had a meal. Use low value treats like kibble.
• Settle- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wesm2OpE_2c&t=1s
• No mugging- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4IzTn-kMU0

If you have a puppy who acts reserved or timid with handling:

• Work on handling and restraint- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1Otlr6RX7o
• Touch- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWSJVwZybwo
• Chinrest- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2lnaerPR5o
• Avoid working on leave it, impulse control games and no mugging until the pup has built confidence.

If you have a puppy who takes treats hard here is a tutorial on what to do:

What to do if Your Dog Takes Treats Hard

If the puppy is mouthy this is how to deal with puppy biting:

Thanks for watching! Please give a thumbs up, comment and subscribe! It means a lot to me 🙂

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The online store where you can find Professional Dog Training memberships, Self-study courses and video on demand for purchase: https://dogmantics.com/shop/

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Happy Training!

– Emily Larlham (AKA Kikopup)

#puppytraining #dogtraining #newpuppy

32 Comments on “What to Train Your Puppy First”

  1. Great timing ! (lol).
    Even though I’ve not got a puppy, I’m working on reprogramming my lure placement (damn habits) and your point about it was made so clear by puppy’s response. He’s so adorable. Having learned the benefit of conditioning calm, but having to “retrofit” it (ask the dog to try and calm down), I can only imagine how powerful it is if you condition it at this vital age. Having that “off switch” installed in a high drive breed just makes sense.

    1. Yes. Its like learning to dance (not that I dance), but you learn movements slowly and precisely then add speed. So for my dog tricks and heelwork etc, I use food to teach the behaviors precisely then add speed with toys.

  2. Yay! I’ve been working on everything you mentioned here. Your puppy is so cute! My puppy, now 12 weeks, has been friendly to everyone, but was afraid to come close to 2 different bigger sized men in the last week. My roommate is a fairly big guy and I think it has more to do with non-dog friendly body language, i.e. reaching hands over head and eye contact. Also one wore a hat (when he took it off my puppy was less afraid.) My puppy doesn’t tend to show a lot of fear but I want to work on this right away. Do you have specific suggestions? I can ask them to toss treats without looking. One is not really a dog lover but the other might be willing to do some exercises with me and him if I ask him.

    1. I suggest having your puppy meet big people at your house, or places where they dont come and then leave before your puphas a chance to trust them. I also suggest you start to wear hoodies, hats and sun glasses, scarves around your house as a first step to the pup getting used to clothes that transform the shape of people.

    2. @Dog Training by Kikopup yes, I will have to arrange some planned meeting with gentle larger men that are willing to take direction (that could be a challenge, lol!) I’ll try wearing some hats as well.

    3. And what I meant to say was that my roommate is a big guy and my pup is great with him, so I think it is more to do with eye contact and reaching over, the way so many non-dog people do.

  3. Thanks for posting another great tutorial.
    As always high quality, very interesting, & easy to follow information all in a bite size piece.
    Love your fabulous channel and all what you do. Thank you so much.

  4. Love your videos. We too have a young Border Collie, 2 years old now. To this day she is not food motivated. It presents some interesting challenges during training. You have to be flexible in ones approach.

  5. It’s been several years since I started a really young pup, but I think I’m getting an 8-week old in a couple of weeks. I usually adopt teenagers or older dogs. Your videos are awesome. Thanks for the “puppy essentials” tune up!

    Now I’m vacillating between the thought “it’s going to be so much fun!” and “what, am I crazy to get a baby?!?” LOL

    1. Yes! 🙂 I am kind of on a role at the moment! Youtube created a sponsorship program so now I can afford to spend a lot of my time on making free videos for the general public!

  6. This is so helpful. I love that you teach in the form of games so that training can be fun and playing can be productive. Genius. I was having trouble deciding what and how to train my 11 week old. Tailoring the training to the dogs personality seems so obvious but I hadn’t thought of it in that way. Thank you!

  7. I Love how you add the new rescue dog to your new puppy videos. I just put tape over my clicker and started yesterday with just getting her used to the clicker. She already know how to sit and wait till I put her meal bowl down, and I say ok and she gets it, but runs around like in your “loco” trick you teach, so will look at the settle and calming videos. Thanks so much.

  8. I am really enjoying your videos! Thank you! we are about to get a small breed pup to our home. My question is, how long does one continue to use treats along with the verbal marker word when training? How does one know when to phase out the treat and continue with the verbal marker only? Thanks!

  9. I just watched a few of your vids…they are great. I just got an 8 week old Vizsla from a reputable breeder, who is also an obedience trainer and AKC judge. The problem is, I noticed food guarding when I fed the puppy in the bowl. I put my hands in there and he growled/snarled and was surely going to snap at my hand. I looked up hand feeding and have been doing that for several feedings…but I have grandkids and don’t ever want a resource guarding dog…Help!

    1. Also, I have raised/trained 9 Weimaraner’s in the last 38 years, still have an 11yo Weim. No resource guarding. It’s been 11 years since we’ve had a puppy, wanted to downsize with the V.

  10. Hi – What do you do if your puppy shows some training regression during these trainings like settle and leave / drop it? We had a lot of progress and then some regression, so I’m hoping we can reset and haven’t messed up!

  11. Hi Emily, thank you so much for this video, your channel is such a goldmine of information! A puppy joined our family a few days ago and we love him so much already! Unfortunately, I think we reinforced some bad behaviors by saying “no!” when he tried to chew every piece of furniture of the single room he has access to for the moment :/Now he is obsessed about chewing those pieces and severely obsessed by those during witching hours. He also loves pieces of hair in the air, biting clothes, fingers, and even feet. I feel very guilty for saying “no!” to him, especially when I think about all the stress and anxiety it caused him 🙁 Would you have any piece of advice? Thank you so much 🐶💜

  12. I just came across your videos and am really enjoying them. We get our new puppy in a few weeks and I want to learn in advance because our last dog, although very sweet, was not well trained. I am wondering about the puppy’s first few nights away from its mother and other puppies…what should we do at night? Crate the puppy and keep it in our room, or in another room…? Not quite sure what to do. Maybe you have a video on this?

  13. You are beyond fabulous. I’m a published author in clicker training (not my real name here), have given clicker seminars, and used to do private dog training in people’s homes. I’m about to get a new puppy and I’ll follow your videos all the way. I recommend you all the time. REQUEST: Could you please make a video about how to stop boy dogs from marking in the house? Thanks a million for all you do!

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