9 Comments on “You’re Ahead of 99% of Dog Guardians if You Understand THIS 🫣 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #puppy”

  1. A long lead is a must, when giving freedom to a dog. In time, it becomes less necessary.

    This to me is the biggest mistake, new owners make in my opinion. Giving a dog freedom, before you create a bond with them. There’s too much of a rush, to show the puppy off to the world. This creates more problems for the owner. When the dogs attention, is not on the owner.

    Introducing you dog to every human and dog it see’s, also creates issues. This creates dogs who will goto, every dog or person they see. You can over stimulate, your dog.

    In your example, the Frisbee is the high value reward to the dog. The dog realizes, that the owner is required to make the Frisbee fun. Building a bond with you. The challenge is, when you don’t have the Frisbee. Then you use vocal calling, on a long lead with praise. You the owner, has to be the center of their attention. When you turn and walk away, they should follow and resist distraction.

    If you wanna see, who those owners are. Goto a dog park, look for the owner calling Fido with a treat in their hand. While the dog runs away and doesn’t even acknowledge, the owner is there. The situation worsens, if the dog is dominant agressive. If it doesn’t listen to the owner. Your little dog could get attacked. Causing traumatic fears, in you previously well rounded dog.

    Bond with your dogs first people. You should be the high value treat, for you dog.

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