Dog training tips: You can use human nail clippers with puppies

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This video explains how you can use a human nail clipper to cut your puppies baby nails because it is much easier as the nails are so tiny and delicate, while getting your dog accustomed to the dremmel or clipper you will use in the future.

11 Comments on “Dog training tips: You can use human nail clippers with puppies”

  1. Black nails are soooo much harder to trim because you can’t see the quick (which is the correct term for the “pink part”). I trim my Labs nails every 1-2 weeks (depending the season) and i wouldn’t trim too much off, although i’ve have a few incidents where i have cut off a little more than i should have so she does have a slight fear of getting her nails trimmed. But she gets her whole dinner or breakfast right after a trim which she loves!

  2. @Jal1515 Thats great! I trim my dogs nails every week too, I wish I had thought to put that in the video- the more you trim them the more the dogs love to get them trimmed…. I do know they are called the quick but I figured that average joe would not know what that means.

  3. My pups nails are black so I asked my vet to help me find where to clip safely. Its easy to see but hard for me to explain, so asking your vet to show you is my best advice for trimming black nails.

    Also, fuss with their feet a lot so its no big deal having their feet touched.

  4. @kikopup haha true about the quick, although i wasn’t correcting you just stating the actual name :). As well, the more you clip them, the shorter the quick will be so your dog won’t have grotesque long nails! When i went to a vet camp in PEI, there was a Lab mix dog who had to get declawed because the owners never trimmed it’s nails and they were growing in backwards and the dog could barely walk. Sooo important to trim nails!

  5. @PetluverChannel Check out the video I link to at the end for how to change your dogs emotional response to nail clipping. To make the nails softer, you can take a long walk in wet grass or have your dog play in your yard with wet grass- or go swimming. The water does make the nails softer and less likely to splinter.

  6. @Jayne2520 If its a tiny puppy- the part to cut of (as you can see in the video) is the thin pointy part, that curls down- if you follow the bottom of the line of the nail and cut along it you should miss the quick with a puppy. For an adult dog, if you have the dog upsidedown as I show in the video that is linked at the end of this one, you can see the nails sometimes form little arcs, and you can cut off the arc bit.

  7. @kikopup Or if the nails are soo long there is no arc, you can dremmel them slowly back, until the center part of the nail is not flaky. With a dremmel you can actually stop at the quick without it bleeding if its on a low speed- every once in a while I will reach kikos quick with a dremmel and it doesn’t bleed

  8. @Jal1515 That is so sad. I worked at the shelter and saw horror stories. Nails, teeth and weight are a big issue for me, and I often hassle people about it.

  9. @kikopup I know what you mean!! I volunteered before for a while and the dogs that come in, I just stare in awe. And I’m with you, nails, teeth and weight. Very big health concerns!

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