Dog Tricks Tutorial: Scratch my back

I saw newbear95's tutorial of how to teach your dog to scratch your back, and not only did I think it was the CUTEST TRICK EVER! but I also thought that newbear95 was super inventive in her way of training the trick. The tutorial is super simple and easy to follow! So I have a link to her tutorial at the end of the video. In this video you can see Kiko and I giving the trick a try.

20 Comments on “Dog Tricks Tutorial: Scratch my back”

  1. Kiko is so cute! Seems like she love this trick too! Glad that the two of you enjoyed this trick. I love the blooper! Its so funny. πŸ™‚

  2. I just love Kiko! She is a super fast scratcher.
    It looked like Tug wanted his back scratched too;)
    I was cracking up at the blooper! That is totally something my River would do.

  3. such a cute trick and kiko is so cute doing it, ah chihuahuas are so characterful!! what a great job newbear95 did with coming up with such an awesome trick… wonder if Vinnie could have a go at this one πŸ™‚ we will try!

  4. This trick is super C-U-T-E!! Especially when Kiko does it =o) Thank you for the great trick idea, this is one I will definitely teach Jesse. Another great video as always! ~Heather and Jesse~

  5. hehehe Kiko is so good! I hope to train my puppy that well one day… If you have time to answer a question I would like your opinion or advice on my new 8 week old puppy. At this point she is not very interested in the clicker training or food and toys as rewards …and she HATES her crate. I know puppies cry at night anyway but is there anything I can do to make her comfortable in her new space?

  6. Wow, I am so proud of my Allie. She learned to scratch a pamphlet on the ground and scratch it moved onto my lower back within 1 minute! This positive training is amazing how fast it works! and we both have fun! Thanks for showing this and all the other great stuff.

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