Dog Trick Training Tutorial: How to train your dog to jump over your arms

Here is a quick video I made of how to teach this very cool Canine Freestyle trick- hurdles. I dont actually know what the trick is called by freestylers, so I made up the name 'hurdles' .

I didnt use a clicker during this exercise as is quite hard to hold the clicker and it clicks right under the dog which can make them confused. If possible you can get a friend to help mark the behavior.

Good luck! And let me know if you have any questions!

p.s. I did some sloppy training in this video! I give multiple cues such as 'jump' 'hup' and 'jump through' ! and am sloppy with the reward. Which makes me have to say, if you are really into training, make sure to film yourself to assess what you think you are doing to what you are actually doing! 🙂

Note: For Splash the word 'yes' is a conditioned reinforcer like some people use 'good girl' so you will see me say 'yes' and not give a treat afterwards. For Splash and Kiko the click means a treat always follows. Any other word means they might get one, they might not.

Clicker training works!

20 Comments on “Dog Trick Training Tutorial: How to train your dog to jump over your arms”

  1. I upped her criteria on that one, thats why she slowed and looked like “are you serious?” I usually have her jump through my arms in a hoop but the average jumps is usually 3. With this new behavior I bumped the average to 4 1/4 jumps very quickly (which means doing 5 jumps, 1 jumps, 8 jumps, 3 jumps etc) The key to keeping behaviors at their best and the games exciting is being completely unpredictable. She then went on to play with a ball racing around the yard for 30 min.

  2. oh! I love it! I will teach it to Sasha. I was wondering, do you ever have probs training both of your dogs together? I know when I work w/ one the other gets upset.

  3. It was Splash’s first time doing that. But she already knows to jump through arm hoops in the same way (the cue ‘jump though’. and the cue ‘hup’ to jump over something. If your dog does agility you could put a jump under each of your arms, and have your dog generalize it that way. Also to get the dog to jump over you you could sit under the agility jump. 🙂 Next time I will show the first steps! 🙂 I was actually just fooling around in the yard and turned it into a video…

  4. As always, an incredibly fun and truly amazing video! I like it so much!!! I’ll try it with my dogs and dedicate the video to you :-). You always inspire me, thank you so much!!!

  5. p.s. during the beginning stages of teaching her to jump through my arms, she nearly broke my nose, causing a blood bath. I should put a warning- DONT LOOK THROUGH THE HOOP AS YOUR DOG JUMPS THROUGH! 🙂

  6. “Kiko this is a dangerous place for you”, I must say I laughed when you said that. What a cute little dog!
    Thanks so much for posting this video!!

  7. nice work. i am so grateful to you for sharing this for free. you are an unselfish being. rest assure that you will have my support in any ways you need it. thank you so much.. wish you the best in all of your undertakings. God bless you.

  8. This is a great tutorial. The only thing I would criticize is that you don’t allow enough time so people can read everything without pausing and rewinding the video. Otherwise this is great! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This vid has reely helped me. My dog can jump thru my arms now =] It took a long time tho almost a month she kept knocking me down and bumping into me. She’s a labrador so it really hurt.

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