How to make an interactive dog toy

All you need in s a plastic container, a pair of scissors, and some dog food, to create an interactive dog toy. Why waist 15$ at the store on a food dispensing toy when you can make one at home!

Experiment with different shapes and sizes of container, remember never use glass or anything that could be potentially dangerous to the dog.

This is a great way to RECYLCE!!! Rather than just buying uneccessary plasic toys for your dog when you can make them with your recycling.

Some warnings
*Make sure you never leave the dog alone with the toy as they could eat the plastic to get to the food, this could be very dangerous!
*Be careful cutting with the scissors, dont cut towards yourself.
*Dont cut near your dog
*Have your PARENTS cut the holes for you, or supervise you

Kong Buster cube dog dog training clicker training Dogmantics kikopup tip of the day how to make an interactive dog toy how to have fun with your dog how to have fun with your family

20 Comments on “How to make an interactive dog toy”

  1. Ince again an awesome tip! We use almost every cardboard in the house (cereal-boxes etc) to hide treats so the dog can tear it πŸ™‚ Pipsa loves these games!

  2. Great idea!

    The last clear container seems to work better than the flat ones that seem to get stuck on one position. The long clear one container at the end keeps rolling and rolling and working!

  3. They sell those food dispensing toys here for around 30-40 bucks only because its such a small island and hardly any pet stores around… so finding this great tip was a big help … thanks Emily!

  4. Such a brilliant idea Emily! Thanks for the great video! I’m going to make one of these for Lola (that crazy Havanese pup we’re looking after, she’s starting to drive the whole family nuts now! Maybe this will help keep her entertained, and help Sparky find some peace for a few minutes, haha…).
    Thanks again!
    Lizzy & Sparky

  5. Wow, this was a superb idea! And what a great way to recycle plastic!
    Isn’t this something like the Kong Toy or Buster cube? Anyhow, this one’s better because you make it on your own without paying money!
    Awesome video 5*

  6. Love the idea – we have been looking for new treat toys to stimulate or dog. Another idea to help show the dog how to get the treats (we did this with or dog) is to click and toss a treat near the toy when the dog nudges or rolls over the ‘toy’. That way they know they are doing the right thing to get those treats out & will gain confidence to continue trying πŸ™‚ I’m going to make some of these today – great idea to sand the rough edges!

  7. This is fantstic!! The only concern I have is my dog gets very hyper (even more so than usual) when I give him more than 1 treat, Im not sure If it’s a sugar rush or just excitement because he’s desperate for more treats. Guess I will give it a try, my dog wants to play all day and I can’t just play with him all day, I’ve got stuff to do too πŸ™‚ Thank you!

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