Door Manners for Dogs! – Dog Training

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You can teach your dog to wait until released through a door with the cue of the door opening and you can also add a verbal cue. The benefit of the door opening being a cue to wait until released is a useful safety behavior, for example if you live on a busy street.

Teaching a default wait is in no means an excuse not to take the proper safety precautions, for example having a double gate if you live by a busy road or having your dog on leash when the door is open. No matter how bomb proof your dog’s behavior is, it’s just not worth the risk if something unexpected were to happen.

22 Comments on “Door Manners for Dogs! – Dog Training”

  1. if someday you come to France, I would be so glad to meet you. Your tutorials are really awesome and full of positive attitude !
    Bravo pour votre travail πŸ™‚

  2. Great video! The part where you proof Tug’s staying in the car made me laugh out loud. I’d say that the oddest skill I’ve acquired from becoming a dog trainer is just that: acting like a crazy person in public for the sake of training. πŸ™‚

  3. Any tips for separation anxiety? So far I’ve been using your video on how to teach your puppy to be alone. But this pup Im dogsitting for 2 weeks barks the second I go out of sight, whether he’s in the crate or not. Any additional tips?

  4. Thank you for this video! I always get so pumped for training whenever i watch your videos. You’re one of the trainers I reference the most for my students for at home practice. Your training videos are so easy to understand! Thank you, again!

  5. You style is so good I have sent it on to others, keep on sharing with us especially the basics, you may save many dogs from being destroyed. Blessings!

  6. So just found this and I must say you are awesome! I just ordered a clicker and I can’t wait to practice. You speak very clear and each step is very understandable. Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks! I try my best. I have done seminars in lots of different countries that dont have English as their first language so I have learned to speak clearly.

  7. I love how you always mention safety precautions. I watch people walk off-leash dogs in the stupidest places (roadside, busy parking lots, and the like). Personally, I prefer my dogs over my ego. πŸ™‚

  8. Thanks for another great video. I have started encouraging my clients to use “release” instead of “okay.” Why? “Okay” is used so often by many of my clients that they accidentally release their dogs. Perfect example: I was chatting with a client who had her dog on leash near the front door as I was leaving after a session. I said “see you next week” and my client replied “Okay” and the dog thought he was released and tried to rush through the door.

    1. Yes, I say “ok” all the darned time. I do use “Ok” for some trick behaviors, meaning for example of you lift your paw you can then put it down… But I saw it in a sing song type of way… But still… probably not the smartest idea πŸ™‚

  9. Emily’s concept is build on – association, reinforcement, and rehearsal. Very good training ideas. Training dogs makes you more patient and relax.

  10. One thing I realized is a huge helper is to make sure that you stand sideways to the door. That way your posture indicates the doggo that you’re not going to pass the door yet so he’s more eager to focus on you.

    Disclaimer: if you find something odd in my English writing, feel free to point it out 😊

  11. Thank you so much for your making it step by step. Showing us how to proof it as well. I would have never thought about having the dog come back after I opened the door. Thank you for your time and it is a pleasure watching you work with your dogs. It looks like you have so much fun and they are so loved.

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