Happy St Patricks Day! River Dancing Chihuahua- Funny Dog Tricks

This is a video of the worlds only River Dancing Chihuahua Kiko! Kiko taught herself this trick on her own. In honor of Saint Patricks Day Kiko is doing her little Clog Dance for the world. Happy Saint Patricks Day to all!!!

River Dancing riverdance Saint Patericks Day Saint Paddys Day Paddies Day St Pat Green Beer March 17th Dog Training clicker training dog dancing Canine Freestyle dog tricks funny dog funny dogs do tricks obedience tricks fun amusing talented dog kikopup dogmantics dog training


22 Comments on “Happy St Patricks Day! River Dancing Chihuahua- Funny Dog Tricks”

  1. Definitely one of the tricks Kiko can do that Splash will NEVER be able to do! Kiko has the fastest feet in town! I laugh too all the time when I ask her to do that trick.

  2. oh my goodness! this made me spit some of my tea onto my computer! hahaha! just too cute and funny!! Vinnie does a little stamping when he is excited and it looks a little bit like a tap dance πŸ˜€

  3. lol. that is so cute Emily! One of my lil chis, Bella, does that lil dancin with her feet. its adorable! after seeing Kiko’s AWESOME dance-maybe I’ll put a word w/ her dancing and see if I can get her to do it when asked. ;D how cool! we’ll have to see about that kick though, she has shorter stubby legs. My other chi, Mishka, has long supermodel legs like Kiko πŸ˜€
    Happy Saint Pattys to you and the crue

  4. How ADORABLE! Loved how you put this together too! Kiko you ROCK! I mean River Dance! πŸ˜‰
    Happy Saint Patricks day Kiko, Splash & Emily!

  5. Hi, this is Edna with The Nutro Company. Just wanted to let you know how much I love watching Kiko dance! She is very cute! Thanks for sharing! πŸ˜€

  6. As a trainer, you are AWESOME. and your edititing is BRILLIANT.
    Can’t wait to see how you’re doing with your new pup.
    When do you find the time .??
    Do you ever sleep.??
    Carole x

  7. This is a brilliant video. How clever to take her dance and put it to your music. You get huge accolades from me for an excellent job. I think is is so great I and my friends have been posting it all day all over Facebook. Thank Kiko and her doggy friend for making so many people smile.

  8. Oh amazing I can’t get enough of yours dogs, you have to be one of the most talented dog trainers I’ve ever seen if not the most. πŸ™‚

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