Get your dog to like having his harness put on – dog training

This video is dedicated to all the little dogs in the world who run away from their owners when their owner takes out their harness. The same method of counter conditioning can also be used for dogs that don't like their muzzle or dogs that don't like the leash being attached to their collars.

dog training clicker training obedience how to get your dog to be safe with handling

25 Comments on “Get your dog to like having his harness put on – dog training”

  1. Love this video. My dog doesn’t like getting her harness on and it’s something we’ve both learned to kinda tolerate. I may try this to actually get her to “like” it. I’m also gonna post this to facebook for others. Thanks!!

  2. This is a great video! Ricky doesn’t like his harness – I will go back and try to reintroduce it to him with your method!

    Emily – you are doing a wonderful thing for so many people by making all of your dog training tutorials! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talents!

  3. AWESOME video Emily! It is so cute to watch Tug go through the thinking process! He is really learning quickly! I love that you are doing these videos with him as they will help so many dog owners! Nice work! 5*s and a Favorite!

  4. Interesting that point about dogs biting because of being sensitive about being touched. My collie was not at all cuddly when we first got her but now LOVES cuddles. She recently shook with fear when I got a tape measure out to measure her leg. I moved it away and got her slowly used to it with treats but it all goes to show how sensitive dogs are and how great it is to have somebody dedicated to studying them. Thanks for yet another great video.

  5. Thank you for making this video, it is helping a lot! Me and my puppy have only just made it to the stage where I can rub the harness on her, but it tremendous progress :). She would run away from me when I would take her harness out and shake when I put it on, so allowing me to rub it on her is a great first step

  6. Thank you for this. We moved from collar to harness because Charlie would almost choke himself to death. He hates his harness and it got so bad he would run and hide whenever he saw it. I tried offering him a treat when it was time to put it on, but by that point he’d seen it, hid and we’d had to drag him out from under the table so obviously we weren’t getting anywhere like that. However, after just two five minute sessions today using your method to the tee, guess who not only puts his harness on no fuss but happily snuffles it looking for treats! Thank you again 🙂

  7. I bought a harness for my dog and because of this method, he let me finally put it on him! Thanks so much! Defiantly subscribing c:

  8. Thanks so much for your time in making this very helpful video. My sheltie is so sensitive and fearful. She likes to go for walks, but is very avoidant when it’s time to put on her harness. I know with this method she will be desensitized to it in a kind and practical way!

  9. Using this for my service dog in training! He despises having his vest put over his head and I’m trying to change that. He doesn’t care once it’s on but he absolutely hate putting it over his head. Hopefully this will help a lot!

  10. Brilliant video and had my new puppy sticking her head through the harness within minutes! To be fair for fresh chicken I reckon she’d let me put her in a bathing suit… 😀 . Seriously though , it is such an easy way to make the harness a ‘Yay treats!’ thing! Thank you!

  11. Hi, thank you so much for all your videos! You have such a fantastic and calm way of handling your dogs and you can tell they feel very loved. I’m having troubles with harness training because my puppy begins biting at the harness energetically like it’s a toy even before it’s on him. 🙁

  12. Such a quality video! Thank you so much. If someone thinks this is “too much work” they need to understand that dog’s require a ton of patience, especially when it comes to things that make them uncomfortable. Some things might click really easily for your dog, some might take 50 to 100 repetitions (or more) to get the hang of it. Stick with it and you’ll see the results you’re looking for!

  13. Wow thank you! This is a gamechanger. Your clear instructions worked beautifully for my 5 month pup who has been running away every time she she’s me with the harness! So grateful – thank you thank you 🙂

  14. I am really struggling with harness training. My puppy is now 10 months and I have had him since 8 weeks and I thought I was slow enough with him at first but I live in an apartment in NYC so I had to start taking him outside and just putting it on. I ask him to “touch” and praise him several times before putting it on even though he is still hesitant. He’s not very treat motivated either when it comes to putting the harness on. I try this method in your video and he’s still terrified of the process but loves being out on walks and is fine all around NYC and socializing. Nothing traumatic ever happened to him either I just feel like I’m at a loss and not sure how to back track while still having to take him out to potty or the park. I want him to enjoy this process because it leads to a fun walk.

  15. I appreciate this. I am a trainer myself but sometimes seeing another trainers methods helps me become a better trainer. I’ve done most of these methods already but I’m going to take it a little slower this time around even if the pet parent may think it’s too slow but it’s best for her pup. Idk why I didn’t think of training with the actual buckle of the harness 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you for reminding me of the slow approach of body handling 👍🏻

  16. Great video! 2 short sessions and Ripley has stopped running and hiding when I pull out the harness, or when she see’s me getting my outdoor gear on indicating we are going for a longer walk and the harness will come after. Additionally she approached it later in the evening o her own accord (likely to try and get treats, she does this with the vacuum cleaner). Her new ruffwear flagline harness arrived today, so we will start from the beginning to make sure it’s an enjoyable experience

  17. I followed each and every step of this video and today my pup Bobby was able to adjust the harness without having any problems! He is just 7 weeks old, plus I’m new to dogs.. But we made it together and I couldn’t be happier!! As he is my very first dog I’m seeking for the best solutions for training, feeding etc. and this video helped me to get closer tto understand how these adorable creatures feel and react. Sidenote: We are only using our backyard to let the dog out to potty (as he is not fully vaccinated) but it’s not fenced and Bobby seems to love hiding under the bushes or wandering to places where we can’t reach him so I started to train him for the harness-leash. And it works. I’m very thankful. 🙂

    1. I would still take your puppy out even though not vaccinated. You can use a baby carrier, keep your puppy in a crate in the car and then just open the back of the car so he can see different environments and different people and dogs passing by, or put down a large blanket at a park and just have him settle on the blanket and play with toys there. This video shows examples of that

    2. @Dog Training by Kikopup thank you! Actually I take him in his traveling bag everywhere, to make sure he gets stimulation by the environment. I just don’t let him encounter other dogs yet, that’s what the Veterinarian told me.

  18. My 4 month old chihuahua doesn’t like his step in harness. He wiggles a lot when I try putting it on him. I love your video!!! I’m surely going to try your technique. It’s the best video lesson I’ve seen!! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi, great video. We have been following your advice and been working with our 8 month old pup for the last few months.
    With his old over the head harness he started to run away from it. We then switched to his collar and bought a harness with four clips.
    I spent 3 weeks positively introducing it to him with treats every time he touched it, didn’t back away when I picked it up and gradually got it to be on his back, then clipping it up etc etc. He did great with this and allowed us to put it on. He has had it on once and the next time we went to put it on to go for a walk he started running away again. His behaviour is a mixture of scared and excited. He pounced back and forth with a wagging tail but then backs away when I go near him. He leans forward to get the treat/do the cue but always has his back legs stretched. We also have the harness just laying around the house and do this training before his dinner time when he is a bit hungrier.
    Want to avoid what we did last time and was following him to put it on or picking him up.
    We are keen to use a harness as he currently pulls on his lead (working on it) and don’t want him to damage his neck and we planning to use a double ended lead with a front and back D ring.
    What would you advise? Persevering with the harness but don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
    Thank you for your help.

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