How to teach ‘leave it’- without intimidation

How to train your dog to leave it. This video explains how to teach 'leave it' using the clicker training method. Not only is this method the most effective, but it also builds a dogs desire to find and interact with their owner OVER distractions. Using punishment while training leave it, diminishes yourself as something reinforcing to interact with.

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20 Comments on “How to teach ‘leave it’- without intimidation”

  1. Yes! I love the results you can get with a positively trained leave it. And I’m so glad you did a video on it. It’s one of the easiest things to train and it strengthens so many behaviors.

    I also love the second half with the dog on leash. When I taught leave it I did it all off leash, but after some rather tempting stuff being left on our walks it was back to the drawing board. This offers me a nice idea on how to help train for those situations. Thank you!

  2. AMAZING and so entertaining:)! 5 STARS! I love that Kiko and Splash! leave the food while you leave the room. I especially like that they leave the plate on the floor, OFF LEASH, at the end and they are happy to do so. I also like that you don’t say “leave it” then treat from the food/toy/item they were suppossed to leave. To me, that is confusing and I would use “wait” for the former. The tortilla part was cute and it’s awesome that you showed a newbie (sweet Max) learning leave it.

  3. Excellent video, 5*****!! I love how you taught “leave it”, and the dogs are so happy doing it! From 4:01-4:17, that is so true, I couldn’t have said it better myself, and many people don’t understand it. Your videos are always so interesting ๐Ÿ˜‰ ~Heather and Jesse~

  4. I agree Jesse and Heather with the comment made from 4:01-4:17. There was this story I heard about a Mom that would always yell at her daughter to sit down in the chair. She yelled over and over again, until she finally came over and forced the girl to sit. She said, “There, now you are sitting!” and the daugther smiled and replied, “Yes mother, but I’m standing on the inside.” Emily, you are brilliant and so is your dog training:).

    Ashley & Kaine

  5. Yes! Reactive is the perfect word to describe him. He prefers to not get into trouble or hurt anyone but he is always worried about his safety. Thanks so much for your message, I’m going to check out these books!

  6. We actually used this method to teach Jedi “leave it”. It’s great that you have a video teaching others… I have to say it is an absolutely fantastic method and it works!

    Jedi stole Ahsoka’s chicken wing on her first day with us (bad me for getting distracted and not watching and seeing that she had dropped it!). Jedi had the wing in his mouth – I told him “leave it” and he spat it out!!! Woooh! Now he understands ‘leave it’ in the context of Ahsoka’s food bowl, too.

  7. haha, i feel like im watching myself.

    I love your videos. I’d make my own if i had time. People constantly comment about how my dogs are so “attentive” and “bonded” with me even around distractions.
    PR is “THE” way to go bottom line. I really hope more people catch on to this.

  8. Some of the best dog training tips I’ve ever seen, I’ve got a husky who is a great dog, he’s learned everything I’ve taught him but leaving things alone especially food is difficult, I’m looking forward to trying these techniques out.

  9. That is incredible! I def have to try this one cause I have a little monster who’s the worst at taking treats cause she always ends up taking a finger or too. You’re awesome! Thanks for the tutorial

  10. I really enjoyed watching your video. I’d never heard of calming signals before, and it’s nice to see positive reinforcement working better than negative reinforcement.

  11. We’ve just gotten past the first part of this video today…. one of my dogs was super quick to catch on, by the end of the first session, he was looking at me instead of my hand ๐Ÿ˜€ one of the other ones, though… well it’s going to take a few more sessions ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’ve really inspired me to switch to clicker training!

  12. Thank you for all your videos! I’m planning on getting a new (older) dog and I’ve watched tons of training videos and gone through a few books. But Alot of them tell you to teach “No” and “Aach!” Which sounds kinda crazy to me BECAUSE I don’t want to intimadate or scare my new dog that’s still a little unsure about me anyway! YOUR approch is more safe and rewording for both of us, and by following your instructions I know that every lesson time will strenthen our bond. No worries now, Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Haven’t had a dog for a while because I didn’t know how to train them and all my friends pets have so many behavioral problems. But after watching your videos I think I might be getting a puppy soon and definitely naming him or her “Kiko”.

    Your videos are amazing keep up the goodwork.

  14. thank you for not letting anyone deter you from providing your great video’s. I just got a German Shepherd puppy and i really love and use your methods a lot. You clearly have the dogs best interests at heart and do an excellent job. I wish I had you near by because I think this puppy is going to be a challenge. I’ve wanted a German Shepherd since i was a little girl and finally got one. But I had no idea how busy I would be just trying to ensure that she learns good positive behavior.God bless

  15. Having a leave it taught without intimidation is the strongest leave it that you can possibly teach. A good leave it can be a lifesaver. Once my sister was eating some dark chocolate covered pomegranates and accidentally dropped one on the floor, but before she could grab it, Tessa had gotten it. All my sister had to do was say “leave it” and Tessa dropped it instantly. I’m so happy to know of such a wonderful method like clicker training that is safe and reliable. Thanks, Emily! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. I love your videos. Clear, concise. My dog trainers recommend your videos for further reinforcement after lessons. Thank you so much!

  17. In my opinion, this is a vital skill for any puppy or dog to have. Not only is it for safety (stop them from eating things, or chasing things), but it also helps to build impulse control. And it’s so versatile, to help with many different behavioral issues. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•

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