How to Train a Dog- dog training clicker

In this video you will learn the basic concepts on how to train your dog to fit perfectly into your particular life style. Please refer to my other videos for help regarding specific training situations. You can find the videos organized more clearly on my website:

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Remember you are training your dog 100% of the time! Every interaction you have with your dog is training them something. So you have to be conscious of this fact every time you interact with your dog.

Link to the video on how to interrupt your dog and stop undesirable behavior

20 Comments on “How to Train a Dog- dog training clicker”

  1. @sweetlilella1983 🙂 thanks! When I started making videos on youtube there were no videos on real +R, and the books and dvds on +R methods were very expensive. Now I think information is flowing more freely so that not just the few and far between have access to this kind of information

  2. I love you put as the first point is seeing what you do want your dog to do, a picture of where you want to go!!! Also love your point about not letting a dog rehearse behaviors you dont like!!! Fantastic video!!! Kathy with Cricket/Breeze/Lizzie

  3. Hi emily
    I just wanted to say how great you and all the other positive trainers are. I am going to use this method when i get a dog. i recently saw an ad for a shock collar thats said to stop dogs barking. it said that it was the most humane way to stop a dog barking. what do they mean? that we, people, are just going to shock our dogs because its a normal thing to do. the comments for the ad werent great either. “my dogs love it” was one. how can they love it if its hurting them?
    bye, wercia

  4. @schweetheartmonkee it is not healthy for dogs or humans, some dogs are intolerant to it. But tiny crumbles of cheese can work wonders. Also you could do something like smear a small amount of cream cheese in a baggie, and put the dogs kibble in there overnight, the next day the kibble will smell ‘cheesey” and most dogs will usually find it highly rewarding

  5. Your videos are so great! I love how your dogs are always offering so many behaviors so you just click when they do the thing I want. My Aussie pup knows lots of tricks, but she doesn’t really offer behaviors…she will just sit and wait for me to tell her what to do or lure her! We just have long staring contests when I wait for her to do something. Is there any way I can encourage her to offer behaviors? Thanks!

  6. Hello there,

    I would just like to say that your dog training videos are amazing. I have been researching dogs and what care they need for eight years and will be getting a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in summer this year. Your videos have helped me understand the vital communication between humans and dogs, which can become a beautiful friendship if you train your dog correctly. I look foward to seeng more dog training videos in the future.

    Thanks for everything


  7. Love your video channel!
    I have a question: One of my dogs barks at humans and dogs sometimes. I have a sound I use when I want her attention, and I always try to use it before she starts barking, but sometimes She’s faster than me and starts barking, then I make the sound and she stops and looks at me. But now she barks more often because she knows I’m going to make the sound and reward her for looking at me, What should I do?

  8. I love all of your videos! I just wondered if you had a video that demonstrates how to progress from click and treat to verbal cue and treat to verbal cue alone? Once the behaviour is consistent, how do you stop clicking and treating and just ask for the behaviour? My clicker trainer says I will “just know”, but that is a little vague for me!

  9. @NotNadiaK Hope you don’t mind me butting in here. When you want to fade out the clicker, a behaviour should be consistently on cue (either hand or verbal cue). If it is and you don’t need to have any food lures in your hand at all, you can start fading out the need for a clicker, e.g. only click and treat for every 2 sits, then every 3, every 4 etc., then remove the clicker altogether and do the same with food. Then make it completely random as this keeps the dog guessing. Hope that helps

  10. People-if, like me, you have been watching these videos and devouring all this information you should donate something. Even if it’s only a small amount. I’ve learnt SO much from her, and am so grateful. Thanks.

  11. I had to put my 14 yr old black lab down a month ago. Sad sad day. My family surprised me with a new black lab puppy from a rescue and now I have to re-learn training behaviors all over because my first lab was so awesome I hardly had to work at anything with her. Your videos are helping me along. I never used to clicker train but I’m learning myself now with your assistance. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for all your videos!!!!!

  12. Thank you for videos because of them I have been able to train my puppy. We got our puppy in January and I’m happy to say she is an amazing friend. I work with her daily and she has learned a lot. Her name is Baeya and we love her very much. If you ever have the chance to check our videos you will see what you have helped me to create an amazing bond between my Dog and I. Much appreciation Thanks again keep up the good work.

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