Dog Trick Tutorial: Cross your paws

This is a redone video on how to teach your dog to cross her paws, that I made a couple years ago- it is now a higher resolution and with new clips 🙂

Happy Training!

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27 Comments on “Dog Trick Tutorial: Cross your paws”

  1. Thanks Emily! This is what I’ll be teaching Sparky next.

    LOVED the beginning with Kiko, Splash and Tug crossing paws all at once! Ahhh too cute!

  2. I simply love to watch your videos as compared to others on YouTube. The tricks are amazing and so enjoyable to watch and you make them look so simple to learn.

  3. This is a really helpful video; thank you! One of the things I struggle with is figuring out at what step to introduce the verbal cue (if you are using one?). If you have a chance to include that information in future videos, that would be great. Thanks again for all your videos; it is so great to see the power of positive reinforcement!

  4. You are so amazing! You’re babies are so cute too!:) I was working with my dog, trying to teach him this but he gets frustrated really easy. He is a wolf/lab mix and he is very well mannered and he knows the basic tricks, but when I try and teach him anything more complicated like this, even slowly, he gets very frustrated… is it something I am doing wrong maybe? Or is there a way I can help him to be less frustrated?
    And thanks for all of the helpful videos!!:)

  5. Love it! Lucy does this automatically when she lays down. Jessie was taught the same way. It’s such an endearing behavior! Donna, Jessie & Lucy

  6. Hello, Emily. Thank u so much for ur awesome videos. They’ve helped me a great deal in teaching my Miniature Schnauzer tricks. However, my dog is blind, most likely since birth. When we got him at 3 months old, he was already blind. I tried putting a treat under several things (a small dish, a pad of sticky notes), but he doesn’t put his paw on them. He just tries to dig his nose under the item to get to the treat. Do u have any suggestions as to how I can have his paw touch the item? Thank u.

  7. Super fun! This is a nice tutor. it is simple enough for me and the breaks with text is just enough for me- I am a little slow lol, hopefully my dogs will be quicker and I can keep up with them lol THanks for sharing you have great dogs, and I love how you show all sizes can do this.

  8. You have great training videos. Thank you. I would to see an indication of how long each trick took in real time before they understood it with command only.

    1. Whit my dog the most tricks (forward tricks, backward tricks) took as long as shown in the videos – he just needs a few trys and repetitions for every step. But I have never really worked a lot with tricks, where he has to do something on the floor or where he has to stay in a position. So this paw trick took much more repetitions. I am not an expert, but I think it s really up to the experience of your dog, your way of training (If we humans do a lot of faults on our part or not) and the method itself (not every methode works for every dog).

  9. Hi, Kikopup. I’m a fan of your video and really learn a lot from it!! I would like to know how to teach my dog to use his hand rather than his mouth. He tends to bite the toy whenever I hand him the toy. He knows to raise his hand when I fetch my hand to him ( as I’ve tough him to shake hand). I’ve tried to use different toys but still he like to bite it rather than touch it with his paws. LOL. Really need your advice. Thank you!!

  10. Great video! I taught my Chihuahua the cross paws trick after watching your tutorial. I love how you use positive reinforcement! Recently uploaded his video under Rudipup. Your training is truly inspirational!

    1. @Dog Training by Kikopup Thank you! I’ve been following your tutorials for the past 6 years and they are awesome. Everything from behaviour to trick training. Your tutorials on stop barking, fear of strangers, stacking cups, look left, handstand and fetch unusual objects, paw targeting are some of my favourites. My dog learned new behaviours and tricks in a positive and fun way thanks to you. Most of the tricks I’ve taught him are from your videos. It’s amazing how trick training builds confidence and a strong relationship. If you Have a chance check out his videos. I really appreciate all your videos and how you want to educate people on positive reinforcement. Thanks again!

  11. Been really struggling to get my guy to do it without shifting his entire body to the side to move his paw rather than just his leg. Longest it’s ever taken to teach him a trick and i have to take very frequent breaks with it to avoid frustration 😂 started teaching it by just asking for his paw

  12. Great video! My dog has almost learned this trick by following your steps. We’re ready to switch to a smaller target and put it to a verbal.

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