Rear end awareness – the key to complex dog tricks

This video goes over the steps of how to using LURING to train the Rear End Awareness exercise. This is an exercise that is not only good for bodily awareness, and building muscles, but also a foundation behavior for teaching some very complex tricks. The behavior can be free shaped as well, however I like to lure this behavior as I like to retain the hand signal that evolves from the luring action as the cue, to use later when teaching other behaviors that involve back foot movements. Its almost as though you magnetize the dog to line up with your hand… and I believe it is quite easy to make side stepping behaviors secondary reinforcers.

I use a clicker in this video but if you do not have one you can say "yes" in the place of a click.

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21 Comments on “Rear end awareness – the key to complex dog tricks”

  1. I LOVE that you demo’d this with a larger, not so agile dog. That, alone, gave me confidence that we can do this. Have looked and can’t find your seminar schedule anywhere.

  2. Excellent tutorial Em! I have been wanting to teach Jake how to side step and was unsure on how to do it. Its a balmy 6c here today, unusal for this time of year in Canada, we’re going outside now to start working on this new behaviour.: )

  3. just wonderful! I love all your transitions and stuff too, looks like a TV program! and the information is of course spot on. I love that you show with lots of different dogs too 🙂

  4. I just recently learned about this rear end awarness method for heel work. It makes heeling FUN! which is exactly how I wanted to train it to my dogs! This foundation excervise is so versatile too. I love this video Emily! What a huge resource this is and I really appreciate how you show clips of dogs in the learning process. I didnt know you were giving seminars in so many locations, I will have to look to see if any are in my area. I would LOVE to attend! 🙂

  5. Ever since I taught my dog how to pivot (using your previous video as a guide) it opened up a slew of new tricks and behaviours — just as you said. Walking backwards, awesome heel work, and loads of fun party tricks. My dog adores perch work!

  6. I would love to see a video on HOW you taught Tug to reverse like he did at the end of the video. I am working with a 1 year old Border Terrier and Reverse is not a gear she seems to have:-)

  7. It’s a good idea to switch the object your dog is rotating before you get rid of it altogether. For instance, use a book then once you thing your dog is good at rotating with a book, use their dog bowl upside down or a frisbee before having no book. This way the dog doesn’t get caught up with any one object and is more likely to be able to do this with no object.

    Otherwise, great tutorial Emily!

  8. I finally got around to teaching my pup this, last night after maybe the 5th session this week, I got her to weave backwards through my legs, it’s not a chain yet, but the fact that she did it is awesome!! thank you so much fr your videos!!

  9. I’ve always wondered how to train those tricks. Started with my dog as soon as I saw it and this technique is the best! He’s already starting to get it after a quick 10 minute session. Thankyou so much, looking forward to watching your channel. Definately subscribing! So sick of people “teaching intermediate and complex tricks” who don’t know what they’re doing or won’t show how to teach the basic skill in sections. Thankyou again!

  10. I’ve watched a lot of your videos, and just found this one. I train basic obedience and trouble shoot for dogs with issues, but I need to expand my repertoire in terms of tricks as my students always love that part and ask for more. I have only done a couple sessions of rear end awareness with one of my guys before, and wanted to see it in action a few more times to improve my technique (my corgi mix will hopefully now get to the stage of not needing the book, that’s our current hurdle)…Your video is the best and I know after watching I will be able to tweek how I am doing this with my crew and be better able to demonstrate for others.

  11. Thank you! I love teaching my shiba inu tricks and I’ve been trying to come up with cheap and creative ways to keep him busy! We will definitely need to master this before we can start on more flashy tricks!

  12. over and over again, I am awed by the easy and logical way you explain complex movements. Please go on posting such videos!! I cant watch enough of them!! If you ever come to Germany (preferably north) for a seminar…………I`ll be with you!!!

  13. it is so wonderful that you have created these training videos. never knew how many things you can train a dog to do. it’s great. THANK YOU

  14. Okay… I’ve been surfing your channel for a few hours now and I wish dog training was my full time job. I had no idea how much I enjoyed this. Edit, thanks for the awesome content 🙂

  15. Wow I just ran into this video and I am glad I did! I have a pup that I need to have rear end awareness because we plan to compete in the future! Thank you for this video!

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