How to train your dog to Cross their Paws dog trick tutorial

This is a clicker training video on how to teach your dog to cross their paws. If you dont have a clicker you can always use some other noise maker like a clicking pen, or just a word like "yes!"

Any questions on dog training behavior modification feel free to write me a message! I love answering questions!

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There are many ways to teach this behavior. Another being, holding out your hand and asking the dog to "Shake" and then whipping your hand away so that the dogs foot lands on top of the other foot. There is also another way, where the trainer can lure the dog to the left or right when they are in the down position and the dog will naturally cross their paws to reach the treat, which you can use your clicker to capture.

Let me know if you do succeed in getting your dog to cross their paws! Some dogs are easier than others! Kiko with her match stick legs (who NEVER crosses her paws hardly ever) was a challenge!

Also pay attention to the way your dogs hips are laying. If they lay with their hips to one side, then it might be easier for them to cross their paws in one direction better than the other. If they are lying like a lion then they will be able to cross both ways with the same ease.

20 Comments on “How to train your dog to Cross their Paws dog trick tutorial”

  1. Kiko did great! The matchsticks leg remark was too funny:). Thank you for making this video:). I will try your techinique and post a video soon:).

    Woofs n’ Wags,
    Ashley & Kaine

    Wow, Spalsh is REALLY good at crossing both her paws:)!

  2. I’m teaching my dog this at the moment but for some reason she finds doing any trick with her paws confusing. Great to see how someone else goes about it and really great to see Kiko.

  3. Do you mean free shaping? Thats awesome! You and Dazzle rock at any trick. Kiko would never think to cross her paws in free shaping, she would do 101 things with her face (which she tried when she was frustrated w/ this trick anyway) 🙂

  4. I love your videos! As soon as I watched this one, I started using your method to teach Ricky to cross paws and it has worked! If I ever get around to making a video, I’ll post a video response! Thanks for all your how to teach videos!

  5. This is such a good idea!! I’ve been wanting to teach my guys this and had no idea where to start… Both pups are up to Step 4 – just weaning off the target. Wooh! I’m videoing Ahsoka, so I’ll make a video reply when we’re done! It’s so hard for poor Jedi because of his short legs! He can hardly reach over!!! But he’s getting there!

  6. You and your dogs are amazing! I ended up on one of your videos and thought, “I’ll just watch this one,” and I’ve ended up watching almost all of them! Truly amazing!

  7. thank you =)
    its amazing how good your dogs are
    when you teach the one something the other can watch without disturbing you and the one you are training with =)

  8. Tiku and I are practicing this trick! I just uploaded a video of him practicing, the only trouble is he wants to touch the target with his nose (he learned to say “no” with his head, so he got a little bit confused) and if I completely remove the target he barks and try to play dead LOL… guess we have to keep practicing!!
    Thank you so much for your videos, they are great!

  9. Good idea and nice use of clicker and fading target. I trained my two dogs similarly but used a hand target instead of the yellow object. What it doesn’t show is how to move from fading the object to using the handler’s feet as a cue. Or the Chihuahua doing it – just a previously trained Collie. I found it helped to move from hand target when the handler is sitting and then to hand when standing. Move to hand and foot standing then finally just foot.

  10. I love all of your videos. Thank-you so much for posting them! They are very clear and easy to follow.

    I’m wondering if there is a trick to getting your dog to keep her paws crossed. My puppy has mastered crossing and will do it without the target. However, I can’t get her to keep her paw on the target. She moves it off so quickly that I can’t even click a second time.

  11. I trained my golden retriever how to cross his paws with this video when he was only 11 weeks old. He got it down the same day. Now he is going to be 2 years old. Now every time he wants something so bad he lays down and crosses his is the only way we know he wants it that bad. We got a 4 month old pomeranian and want to teach her how to cross her paws too but she is so easily distracted. I know how to solve that issue,I just can’t wait to get both my dogs to do this trick together.

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