Teach your dog to wear a muzzle

Train your dog to wear a muzzle. Teach your dog to find a muzzle calming.

Video for teaching a chin rest behavior – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2lnaerPR5o

24 Comments on “Teach your dog to wear a muzzle”

  1. Thanks for these videos, they are helping. I have a rescue dog who has a serious calmness problem. We’re working on it, but I’m not very skilled. Any help on training calmness is appreciated.

  2. I love your videos! I honestly think that learning to train my dog with positive reinforcement has forced me to become a more patient individual with both dogs and people. Please keep posting!

  3. Nothing short of amazing! You have such great insight into the canine mind, and how to access it from the human mind. If every prospective dog owner were introduced to your videos, and trained accordingly, there would no longer be “incorrigible” dogs getting turned in to shelters. We have rehabbed 4 shelter dogs in the last 2 years–1 is now a well-behaved pet, 1 a Search & Rescue dog, and 2 are service dogs–all based on positive reinforcement. Thank you so much! Keep the videos coming!

  4. Hi Emily, the dog in my profile picture was the first dog to wear a Baskerville muzzle in general public (Company of Animals). Roger Mugford. Advised to use a Halti and a Flexi lead (doesn’ t bear thinking about now does it scary).

  5. The chin is a brilliant idea. A client did the muzzle training by shaping and he really loved it, even told another dog off for going near it when on the sofs lol.

  6. Hi Kikopup,
    I started using a gentle leader with my dog and he does not pull when I am the only one walking him. However, due to our current work/living situation (to guarantee our akita/border collie is always walked twice a day) two other family members walk him. After they walk him he starts pulling with the gentle leader until I walk him again. The family members understand why and how to use the leader but somehow are encouraging pulling when I am not there. How can I fix this problem?

  7. I understand the problem is with the people walking the dog and not the dog himself. Also the only reason we started using a gentle leader in the first place is because with a regular leash and collar our dog started pulling and ‘standing’ on hind legs to greet people walking by. He still enjoys walks but I don’t want problems to progress. I want a calm happy dog that isn’t stressed by others on walks and doesn’t pull. Thank you for your help in advance!

  8. Kikopup,

    How about a video on riding the bicycle with your dog? My border collie likes to bite the wheels as they turn, and he constantly pulls away from the bike when he’s not chasing the front wheel.

  9. Hi Emily, Love what you do with your dogs! I’ve credited you in a couple of my horse vids–where I’ve taken what you’ve done with dogs and used it with my horse : )

  10. Splash my own dog was one of the hardest reactive dogs to train and now she is reliably friendly and safe around dogs and people. The thing is with this method of training, the dog looks “trained”. I am uninterested in trying to impress people with “the difference” because showing a dog reacting, causes the dog to be more reactive in the future than NEVER showing the dog react. All animals can regress to a previous behavior, they have practiced. So having an animal react one more time to…

    1. I was excited to learn this technique which my dog NEEDS! But Ii felt frstrated because there is no way (despite great patience on both our parts) my dog would be that calm. I feel it would be so much more helpful to show how you teach this to a regularly active dog! He is well trained & can do “chin” but no long. I don’t have many, many training sessions to muzzle my nippy Aussie around grandbabies. 🙁

  11. Wooo-hooo!! I am so glad I found you! I subscribed! Thanks for your awesome videos. I love the methods you use to train dogs! Sending love from Romania.

  12. Thank you Donna, I see 4 dogs a day for training and behaviour. Super getting the owners to do this if I get young puppies, but so difficult when dogs have been let off without a proper recall for months. I know it would work brilliantly, getting owners to do it is far harder. thank you, I am going to work it with a clients rescue GSD tomorrow.

  13. Please could you tell me if it really matters at what point the food is presented? I see you do a mix of classical conditioning when you feed *at the same time* as the muzzle is on and you also do some operant stuff – saying yes after the behaviour of being still as the strap is put on and feeding after. Could you clicker train the dog to push his/her head in – mark the behaviour and duration of that and then feed away from the muzzle so he/she has to go back to push his/her muzzle in again?

  14. I have the black muzzle for my Alaskan Malamute who is dog reactive, I don’t know if it’s just him but I just put the muzzle on him and he didn’t care. He didn’t try to take it off and he didn’t freak out, no training needed. He’s very well trained though

    1. @K A BS. Fear is an emotion and it has everything to do with training. The whole purpose of training a reactive dog is to reduce the fear emotion and make everything positive through CCDS.

  15. I’m from India and the law in my state requires dogs to be muzzled when taking them for walks at any time, it can get really stressful but that’s the law so I’m working on making it a fun situation for my dogs

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