Puppy Dog Tricks!

Lumos the Border Collie puppy will blow your mind with his amazing tricks and melt your heart with his sweet personality. This video is a compilation of the amazing tricks and behaviors he has learned from 8 weeks of age to 10 weeks. This video is made to not only show how intelligent dogs are, even at such a young age, but also to encourage people to train without any forms of physical or psychological intimidation.
The key to achieving so much so quickly is raising criteria appropriately and creating variety in training. Lumos was trained 1-3 times a day for 2-10 minutes. (Obviously the socialization and going to lots of places, feeding for being calm and relaxed was the most effort!!!)

LUMOS DID NOT REPETITIVELY DO THESE BEHAVIORS! REPEATING THE SAME BEHAVIORS REPETITIVELY WITH PUPPIES CAN BE BAD FOR THEM. I will make a video after this one on how to work on multiple behaviors so that your puppy is only doing a very few repetitions of each behavior, instead of obsessively drilling puppies on the same trick over and over. An example being fetch: the puppy spent training sessions learning to hold the object, and follow Martina backwards with it. Then in 3 weeks there were only 2 training sessions where the puppy retrieved the object, 3 times one day and 4 times a week and a half later. With editing people THINK the puppy is constantly doing all these tricks on the same day and repeating them all every day, but this is not the case. In the three weeks we have had our puppy he did backing up in 1 training session, and then was filmed backing up the next day. He learned backwards circles in 1 training session, and then we filmed it the next day. WE DID NOT WORK ON BACKING UP OR BACKWARDS CIRCLES EVERY DAY. So please stay tuned for our coming videos on how to make sure you are not being repetitive with your training exercises.

24 Comments on “Puppy Dog Tricks!”

  1. Ahhhhhhhh! SO CUTE!  My goodness, you’ve taught little Lumos more tricks in the last couple weeks than I’ve taught my boys in the last two years… I gotta step up my game again!!!!! Hahaha!  Thanks for that inspiration! 🙂

    1. YEAH!!!  🙂 Thats what its all about!  Motivating each other. Just like the good old days. I want to spend more time on youtube instead of just put up videos and not check out what others are up to. Life got in the way, but life needs to make a little time for youtube dog training awesomeness 🙂  

    2. kikopup Exactly!!!  Life did get in the way these last couple years for me, but when I think about it I realize I totally still have time for teaching/learning epic new moves with my pups, even if just a couple minutes each day.  It just takes watching a video like this to make that passion come up in me again. 🙂  

  2. This is so inspiring! Very well done! What is your biggest challenge with him? Even though your train him so well. Also, is that Pam in the park with you?! 🙂

  3. Hi there! Wonderful job! I especially liked the balance work. This is an exercise we use to rehabilitate dogs after injuries and operations to teach them to use all their four legs equally again. In the begining of the therapy some of them are really scared of the weird surface, it would be so much easier to work with dogs who are already familiar with things like that!

  4. You are such an inspiration for all dog owners to use the ability our dogs have to learn tricks from us. Not many dogs have a job so teaching them tricks is a good way for the dogs to contribute to the wellness of the pack. Thank you for sharing Lumos with us and please keep making so inspiring videos for us 

  5. Lumos is gorgeous, what a perfect name for him! He really is a little ball of light huh? I love your videos, thank you for the time and effort you put into them!!

  6. I love these videos! I have a rescue Kelpie who I’ve been training since I got her. She was so badly abused she rather sit in her own mess than be anywhere near people. She was terrified of everything and everyone, except me and my husband. We sat down in a small play room and they brought her into the room, at the other end and she ran and jumped into my husbands lap and just laid there. We knew right then and there we couldn’t leave without her. <3 

  7. Wow, he seems really calm and relaxed! How do you know how much you can train with him and not get him overexited/overaroused? I do know your “Capturing Calmness” video but I’ve heard that especially high energy dogs shouldn’t be taught too much in the first few months but what is absolutely necessary so they don’t become nervous dogs. You do so much with them and still all your dogs are relaxed and happy… 

  8. Wow!!  Absolutely amazing!! Such a wide variety of tricks and he does them all so well – plus, he’s just way too cute!  I need to get a move on….my 16 week old pup knows nowhere near as much as this!  He’s going to be (and is) amazing 😀

  9. What an amazing little boy. Love to see how much time you are spending with your dogs. You truely are a good owner for australian sheperds. Right the thing they need <3

  10. Martina, congrats on your new puppy and your first video. Both of them are awesome! You’re a terrific trainer, and are doing all the right things with your puppy. (My credentials for saying this are over 70 titles in a dozen sports and several #1 USA breed rankings). 🙂    You’ve accomplished so much already and have set up a great physical and mental foundation for this puppy. Keep up the great work, and I look forward of seeing a lot more of Lumos!

  11. Wish I could rewind back to when my Justice was little again! Time flies so fast. I love Lumos and I haven’t even met him yet! What a little genius rock star 🙂

  12. At this learning speed Lumos will run the entire household in no time …
    Thanks for sharing, and I’m already looking forward to see his progress.

  13. I’m getting my puppy in a month and this has encouraged me to dive into training with him! I knew we’d work on recalls and calmness from the start, but now I see that we can start learning other fun tricks right away too. Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Wow! Really inspiring, and a good video to have for those people who say their dog is too young to train. Lumos is so adorable and looks to be having such a great time training.

  15. For all new puppy owners, don’t forget that Emily and Martina are very experienced dog owners and trainers who spend a lot of time teaching their dogs manners and calm behaviours as well as these fantastic tricks. Teaching your new puppy tricks is lots of fun but the most important things to be teaching your puppy in the first few weeks are basic behaviours that will allow them to live happily in your home like housetraining, chew toy training and settling down alone. Many dogs in rescue shelters know how to shake and roll over but maybe if they had been taught good house manners they wouldn’t have been given up to the shelter at all. By all means, teach your new puppy tricks but don’t neglect good solid basic behaviours that will help your puppy become a courteous canine citizen as an adult.

    1. Awe 🙂 Do you have instagram or tiktok? Mary and Secret is a trainer who had an aussie named Secret who sadly passed of cancer but now she has a little pup and her videos do the same for me you should check them out

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