How to train Upside Down Settle

I was requested to make this video after creating a video showing how I trim my dogs' nails. This video goes over how to I teach what I call the Upside down Settle, that can be used for many situations. The key concept behind this position is that the dog can get up whenever he wants, and if he does, it simply means you have to go back a step and work where the dog is comfortable. Some people might think that dogs do not like being on their back, but you can condition them to relax and feel comfortable in this position, making it less stressful for them in those situations where they have to be upside down- for example at the vet to get a urine sample done, or if they might have ran through a cactus, or have a wound to be treated on their underside. Teaching your dog to do the Upside Down settle also is helpful for grooming- nail trimming, brushing, and checking your dog after walks for burs or sores. Another great benefit is that you teach your dog to trust you. So if you have a dog that is very shy to be on his back, I suggest take the time, and take it slow to build your dogs confidence in you so that in those emergency situations your dog can feel more relaxed.

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19 Comments on “How to train Upside Down Settle”

  1. Brilliant, I love the numerous steps. Lurchers and Greyhounds are often difficult to teach a sit to so I normally teach a Down to clients who have them. Teaching the sit from the down is easier in most cases.

    1. My Whippet HATES sitting on tile or hard surfaces so I don’t ask him for them on such surfaces. I have him stand/stays at doorways, while my Catahoula does sit/stays.

  2. Another awesome video.  I learned most of my clicker training from watching your videos.  You have changed my approach to training and as a result improved the lives of my boys beyond anything I could imagine.  Thank you

  3. First time I’ve seen positive reinforcement in action! I would live to learn this method with my 5 y/o Lab. I’ll check out your other videos. She is comfortable letting trim her nails while she lies on her bed. It’s not very easy for me though!

  4. Congratulations on your video which is clear, and for your training skills.  I wish you could come over to France to teach us,  we have nothing but trouble with a Briard after her nails were cut to far back by a vet. Now she has to have a shot to calm her down for clipping her nails.
    I hope we can do what you do,  but I think we will have to work hard to reach your level.

  5. I kind of made this up as I went along without watching this video… I took it quite fast which was probably a mistake.
    My puppy is GREAT with this though he’ll just sleep, my older dog who is a bit afraid of paw handling is doing surprisingly well too. I worked with him a lot with associating the clippers with positive things and giving paw for longer periods of time and then teaching a settle upside down (admittedly too fast) and slowly combining them all. Today was a major breakthrough, clipped his claws for the first time in a few months! And the last time I only did it a few claws too. So they were getting too long.

  6. I hope my dog will learn to respond so well. Thanks for the wonderful techniques you have shared with all of us. Great job on the video.

  7. I think your the best trainer ive seen yet! I love you calm approach and confidence you display! I will always your your training methods…because they WORK! Love you bunches!
    Kim Davis Jacksonville Fla.

  8. Thank you so much for posting your various videos. Often it reinforces something my trainer has taught me but in a slight different way or just a reminder. I have a rescue that has lots of issues and another one who is just plain feisty. I find great insight and motivation watching your videos. Thanks again!

  9. I love this idea!! starting work on this in two days!! we’re working on something new at the moment. don’t want to send him into stimulation overload. lol.
    I’m so glad your on here. you’ve simplified so many things for me 😃😃

  10. Ahhhh! Thank you for this. I just got a dremel to do my dog’s nails. (Clipping was OUT, even after a year of training, treats, counter-conditioning. Already, after 2 days, she’s great with the dremel o.O ) Working on getting her (and me!) comfortable with it, but already I’m finding it difficult to see what I should be doing at the angle she’s at. (plus she has black nails, so, yeah.) Love the idea of having her upside down for it. I think I’ll start training her for this. Might take awhile for her (she’s kind of anxious/suspicious, but CAN relax and get chill when she wants to. Baby steps with her.) but its wonderful to see the steps and I can just work her towards it.

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