Your Complete First Week Puppy Training Plan

Puppy training can start the first week that your puppy comes home. In this video, Instructor Lauren will show you 5 things to work on for your first-week puppy training plan. This training plan will include, skills training, puppy potty training, puppy crate training, and everything you'll need to make the first week home with your new puppy as stress-free as it can be. This video is made specifically for new puppy owners. But if you've just welcomed an adult dog into your home, some of these same exercises will apply!

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00:00 Your Complete First Week Puppy Training Plan
01:06 Puppy Management & Training
01:50 Puppy Training House-line
02:44 Teaching Your Puppy To Take Food Gently
04:01 What If Theyโ€™re Too Rough?
04:51 Deliver The Reward Quickly
05:34 Teaching Your Puppy To Follow Food
06:36 Teach Your Puppy To Sit, Lie Down and Stand
07:39 Puppy Potty Training
09:46 Be Proactive With Your Puppy Potty Training
10:37 Teach Your Puppy Their Name
12:11 Teaching A Puppy Recall
13:00 Puppy Crate Training First Week
14:55 Feed Your Puppy Their Meal In The Crate
15:47 Appropriate Toys ONLY In The Puppy Crate
16:41 Puppy Crate Size
17:25 Puppy Crate Training Location
18:40 Puppy Training Schedule By Age

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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#puppytraining #puppytrainingfirstweek

54 Comments on “Your Complete First Week Puppy Training Plan”

    1. just need advice, i have never bought pet even once, so I do not have much experience, but I love them.
      So should I get male or female puppy and why?

      And which one should I, lab or golden retriever or GSD or pom?
      not husky even if I like him, bcs probably I do not have experience for him

  1. Two full days with my new 3 month old pup. Heโ€™s doing well with crate training , potting training and name ! Heโ€™s doing so well! You guys have been a huge help!

    1. What the heck my 7 week old pup literally screams when in the crate for 2 seconds like it was too damn crazy to keep him there all night how did you get him to like it with the door CLOSED?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    2. @Venus Cole you have to let the crate open all day and let him or her out, you can also try to give treats once he or she is in the crate let him or her to have a nap in the crate let him get used to it and by 2nd day you wonโ€™t hear no more cry .. Goodluck

    3. I love hearing the great results! Our gotcha day is roughly 3 weeks from now and Iโ€™m excited and a little nervous to do this properly.

    4. Ohh that’s soo great ๐Ÿ‘

      “Calling all pet owners! Monkoodog is the place to be for showcasing your pet’s unique personality! ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ Create a captivating pet profile and let the cuteness overload begin! Join today!”

  2. I brought my baby girl home last night and it was kinda rough. So I re-watched this video along with the puppy training guide and took notes. I think today will be a better day

    1. I’ll do you one better…we got the puppy but not the crate cuz one of us felt very sick and the dog stor is over an hour away from our place. No we don’t have a car so no we can’t just go back, it costs over $350 just to get to the city. Bonus: he’s to become my PTSD Service Dog so I’m already anxious not having all his needs for training ready.

  3. Thanks for all of your videos. My husband and I picked up our new puppy 4 days ago (Pocket American Bully) and have done everything in this video so far. Especially being extra vigilant for signs of going potty. We got him at 6 weeks, so early still, so we’ve had extra patience with him and have left out some of the training bits (his attention span is next to nothing right now). I’m pleased to say he’s only had ONE accident since we’ve gotten him, and now he’s getting the hang of going to the balcony for his potty. We have a rug right infront of the balcony door, we put him on the rug, open the door, pick him up and put him outside on the Pooch Patch (grass) and now – only 4 days after being home – he goes to the rug when he has to go potty. He goes into the crate himself when he wants to sleep. He’s such a good boy, and it’s all thanks to this video and all of your other bringing your puppy home videos. Thank you!!

    1. Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹ are you taking him to the rug on a schedule or just when you notice the potty signs? I like the rug idea as potty signal association. Iโ€™m not getting my puppy until November, but Iโ€™m trying to seek out effective potty training methods.

    2. @blue1491 right when he wakes up in the morning, right after he naps, about 10 minutes after a meal he has to go so that’s kind of our formal schedule. He pottys after waking up, then plays for about 30-45 mins and then usually he has to go out again before he takes another nap. But while he’s playing we notice he has to go when he gets distracted and isn’t interested in us or his toys anymore and starts to sniff around. That’s when we pick him up, place him on the rug, open the balcony door, pick him up, put him on our porch grass and say ‘pee pee time’ every.single.time. and then give him praise and lots of pets when he goes. Going great so far

  4. I have taught my puppy “sit” & how to not bite while taking food from me…. This trainer is just awesome… I just love how she explains every action in detail… Want to see more of her training videos please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    1. I just got a new maltese puppy on 8th august,she turned 3 months old on 9th august. She cant go outside yet because she needs to get her 3rd vaccination. Her pee pad is in living room and she pees there most of the time. But at night and sometimes when we are not watching she always poops and pees in the hallway and living room,are there any typs ? And can i use apple vinegar to clean the accidents?Please help

    2. Is there a process to follow when you’re training 2 pups of different ages (2mnths and 1 yr) its becoming a madhouse. attention span, nipping, feeding, bathroom breaks etc.. sending an S.O.S lol

    3. Lauren, I have just gotten 2 ~ 8 week old sister Labradoodle puppies they’re 10 weeks old now when training them should I do this one puppy at a time? Also walking on the leash… they are either chewing on the leash or refusing to move pulling backwards, rolling just not wanting to walk while on the leash. As you mentioned about the crate I’ve been doing that wrong also….I have been keeping them in a 48″2 door crate TOGETHER I will get another crate. I’ll be watching all of your puppy videos your All Awesome trainers thank you for all of this information I’m very grateful. 1more thing when they are outside playing the can get very intense and sound very aggressive towards each other. I have been interrupting them and telling them enough and I touch each of them on their side it stops them from sounding like they want to kill each other they are super sweet to each other when not wrestling. It’s just been 20 years since I’ve had puppies this young and I just need all of your advice to Refresh my mind. I have gotten them to not jump up anymore yay lol. Please help any advice is so very much appreciated.

  5. Iโ€™ve had my 8 week old lab for 3 days now and heโ€™s already learnt to sit, coming to his name and taking himself to his crate when heโ€™s tired, thanks to these training videos that Iโ€™ve been watching. He also waits at the door when he needs to go outside! Thanks so much for these videos!

    1. @GW I didnโ€™t set out to train him to wait at the door. I praise him lots with words, cuddles and treats when he does wait at the door to go outside so that probably helps. Weโ€™ve had him for 6 days and heโ€™s learnt so quickly so think itโ€™s just in his nature. Sorry I couldnโ€™t be more helpful

  6. One of the things I really appreciate about your videos is that you show your training in someone’s house, not a training facility or a separate training space. Me and my pup live in the real world. Thanks!

  7. Guys! Thank you so much. I have studied your videos before bringing my husky pup home at 8 weeks old last night. I followed your advice to a T on everything apart from last night it was too late to really get her used to the crate after a pretty rough drive home on bumpy roads. Anyhow it’s only 4pm here and she’s already been doing her business outside and is currently taking a nap in her crate. She HATED it until about an hour ago but I kept up the positivity and didn’t force her in and she just chilled out and decided she loves it. You are amazing and I cant thank you enough โค๏ธ

  8. Instructor Lauren is awesome. Thank you for making this video and making training a dog understandable and manageable. This is going to make my new puppy more enjoyable. I appreciate you guys so much.

  9. Iโ€™m so happy to have found this video. I get my new Golden in a few days time & I have to confess Iโ€™ve had a few sleepless nights worried & nervous about whatโ€™s to come over the next few months (years!). This video explains it all. Iโ€™ve got this! Thank you.

  10. Iโ€™m going to be a dog mom! First time having a dog. Iโ€™m super nervous and have been binge watching videos from training, diet, and what to do and not do. Iโ€™m getting a Goldendoodle so Iโ€™m watching more videos about that specific breed and puppies in general! Great video, lots of information! โค๐Ÿถ

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