Splash’s Dance Trick – Canine Freestyle Dog Tricks Tutorial

I got a lot of requests recently on how to teach Splash's dancing trick! So here you go! Basically it's a trick the talented trainer from Spain Julia Faci created with her dog Nena and that Splash and I had put a little twist of our own on to make it look a little different. Now Wish is 18 months and her hip X-rays came back looking great so I thought I would make a video tutorial for you guys, using Wish as she is just beginning learning tricks while standing up. As I say in the video it's important to warm your dog up before training, train on a non-slip surface and listen to your dog – don't pressure your dog if he doesn't want to stand up for some reason. Dogs might refuse to stand up because they are feeling pain or discomfort. With all standing up tricks, it's important to do short training sessions ending before the dog feels tired, and not have your dog stand up for extended periods of time. If your dog is over weight, have your dog at the correct weight first and physically fit before training this trick. Its a good idea to get a physical therapist to give you advice on whether this trick will be ok for your dog to do. Here is a link to how to begin steps to training the initial footwork for the trick using the rear end awareness exercise- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEqQDw8Jo9M

Happy training!

27 Comments on “Splash’s Dance Trick – Canine Freestyle Dog Tricks Tutorial”

  1. Awesome! I’ve been working with my dog to jump back and forth, but I havent been able to fade the lure yet. And i was wondering how to get her to do the circling. This video is very motivational just when I needed it! Thank you. 🙂

  2. Love this video! My boy stands on hind legs and we are working on duration. With this helpful video maybe we can learn to dance in a circle! Thanks Emily!

    1. Anne Apolis I think the biggest breeds arent able to do some kind of tricks, or even if they can be enticed to do so, it shouldnt be done in most of the cases. Their body is too heavy for some things.That’s one of the reason you never see mastiffs or great danes in agility or jump tricks. Labs and Gsd in the other hand are quite agile and trainable and can do a variwty of things, but i think it is kot recommended to force them in hard stuff life paw stand or disc jump.

    2. cotton candy Depends on the weight and body shape of the dog. Notice that some dogs like border collies or giant poodle are specially agile and flexible. For them is easier to perform some tricks. Dogs that are bigger, heavier or stiffer would be able to do only simplified version of the tricks or couldnt do some tricks. Dogs that have the average flexibility of a dog perhaps could perform most of the tricks but not always as fast as a collie. Check the weight and the way your dog moves as it grows, dont force difficult things or big jumps until.it grows, and also ask a professional trainer that teaches the things you want to do. You can follow Kikopup in facebook, the name is Dogmantics. If you make a simple question in the comments sometimes Emily L. answers.

    3. cotton candy But about the dance in circles trick itself i dont think there is a physical problem for big dogs. I was just talking about tricks in general.

  3. Thank you so much for being so clear with your instructions. I really appreciated that you are taking care to inform “us humans” on how to know what’s right for our pups! I can imagine some people would get frustrated over a dog not standing up, when the dog is tired!

  4. Thank you for this, it is nice to see how you consider the different stages and ages of the dog’s ability. Any good ideas for jumpy dogs how to let them get their fix safely when they are just puppies but not put stress on joints? Our dog at some point everyday will do the made dash around the house, even if she has had a busy day. Shes a cross between aussie shephard and border collie, bless you for all you do.

  5. I really really enjoy your videos. My young dog went through some traumatic health issues right around the adolescent months and I made some training mistakes out of denial–apart from a little hesitancy he was so good with everybody before that when he started reacting I just couldn’t believe it. I also tend to push my own dogs too hard with counterconditioning and expect too much from them too fast, working on that. Your calm treating vid has helped but there are some health factors complicating things. Do you ever do email consults?

  6. I grew up in an area where people fought dogs and used very cruel training methods on their dogs. I found myself using these methods on my american bulldog, he’s a sweet dog and doesn’t deserve to receive the type of training I always saw as “normal human dog interaction. So I’m starting from scratch and training him a while new way, no more hitting, shaking by the scruff, no scaring him, he’s 14 weeks and gonna be

    1. Be a big boy, but I have noticed that he does flinch and sometimes nips in defense of himself, is it too late to undo the damage that I’ve done? I live my dog and I’m trying to do my best to fix it

  7. My Ziggy totally dances around on his rear legs all the time anyway. But he is a boxer-jack russel mix and you mentioned the terrier not being built for that. So I have no idea if his hips are actually built for that! But it’s his favorite activity anyway and I would love to channel that into something productive like this! He loves weaving between my legs and has gotten very good at that! And jumping through a hula hoop!

    Do you have a video that breaks down teaching the footwork for this?

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